Consent Based Social Security Number Verification (CBSV)
Addendum B: Description of Business Process for CBSV Automated Process
The Systems development to support CBSV will automate significant portions of the following three specific areas:
File Submittal and Results Retrieval
Real-time Processing via SSA’s Business Services Online (BSO)
Web Service
Registration will consist of both manual and automated processes, while file submittal and results retrieval will be fully automated. The user will have the option of submitting files over an Internet application or through a web service. Requests submitted via the web service or single record requests via the Internet application will receive real-time results. Batch mode requests over the Internet will receive results within two to three business days.
Program Registration
The BSO website will be accessed by the user to complete the registration process and is available at The program registration process will be as follows:
The following required registration documents will be sent by the Requesting Party to the SSA designated office:
Signed User Agreement with the $5,000 registration fee;
Signed SSA-1235 (Agreement Covering Reimbursable Services) with the advance transaction fee funding;
Signed Attestation Statement; and
Signed SSA-88 (Pre-Approval Form for CBSV)
The Requesting Party will confirm that advanced payment (by company check or company credit card) has been deposited in an Account set up by SSA’s Office of Finance. The signed SSA-1235 (Agreement Covering Reimbursable Services) should be sent to the Office of Finance along with payment to:
Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd.
P.O. Box 17042
Baltimore, Maryland 21235
When payment has been received the Office of Finance notifies the designated SSA office and will provide that office with copies of any necessary documents.
Note: SSA’s User’s Guide for CBSV will also be provided to companies in conjunction with the registration documents.
Role Registration
The Authorized User (AU) must register to use CBSV via the Business Services Online (BSO) Welcome Page at SSA will assign a Personal Identification Number (PIN). The AU will create a password. The registration process is completed when the designated company official receives a “positive confirmation” letter from SSA with a unique access code and provides the access code to the registrant. The AU returns to the BSO Welcome Page to activate and use the CBSV service.
File Submittal via BSO
The authorized user can enter the CBSV Internet application (by logging into the application from the BSO Welcome Page at to submit files either in batch mode or by individual record request or the user may submit requests via a compatible web service application. Individual requests via BSO or the web service application receive real-time results. File submittal using the Internet application will be modeled after the existing Social Security Number Verification System (SSNVS) process. An overview of the batch file process is as follows:
The CBSV participant will login to the BSO Suite and then select the CBSV Internet application.
After successful login and attestation, the CBSV participant will upload data file(s) using the CBSV Internet application
Supporting CBSV applications will then perform the following pre-processing steps:
Capture Billing-Related Information
Move File - to appropriate location for verification processing
The verification routine runs and the results files are written.
Note: Individual requests via BSO or the web service application receive real-time results. The individual requests via BSO will be modeled after SSNVS. The web service application will be developed with each individual requester during the development process, ensuring that the OMB’s and NIST’s security standards are met.
Batch File Results Retrieval via BSO
Files submitted via the Internet application in batch mode will receive results within two to three business days. Individual record requests submitted via the Internet application or requests sent via the web service will receive results in real-time. Authorized users will retrieve results from the Internet applications as follows:
The CBSV participant will login to the BSO Suite and then select the CBSV Internet application.
After successful login and attestation, the CBSV participant will use the CBSV Internet application to retrieve results or to check the status of submitted files.
Web Service Development Process
There is no specific user interface that will be required to send and receive information via Web Services. All communication is system to system, machine to machine. Therefore, there are no user screens or help guides to support this effort. Specific integration requirements needed to design the web service for each user will be determined as part of the development process.
Web Service File Submittal and Results
File submittal will be accomplished over the interactive web service. The results will also be delivered over the interactive web service. Delivery of the results will be real-time. The file specifications will be determined once the system has been built. The specifications must meet SSA’s, OMB’s and NIST’s security requirements.
CBSV Addendum B
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Consent Based Social Security Number Verification (CBSV) |
Author | Faye |
Last Modified By | Faye |
File Modified | 2007-08-09 |
File Created | 2007-08-09 |