Clinic Recruitment Script

Assessment and Evaluation of the Role of Care Coordination (Case Management) in Improving Access and Care within the Spina Bifida Clinic System

Attachment C11-Clinic Recruitment Script

Clinic Recruitment

OMB: 0920-0759

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Attachment C11: Clinic Recruitment Script

Form Approved

OMB No. 0920-XXXX

Exp. Date __xx/xx/20xx_______


Hello, this is Cindy Brownstein and I’m calling from the Spina Bifida Association. May I please speak with [name of Clinic Director]?

What is this regarding?

I’m following up on a letter we sent to [Clinic Director] last week. We would like to ask your clinic to participate in a study to improve care coordination for spina bifida patients.

May I have more information?

IN collaboration with the CDC, we are interested in gathering information about activities related to care coordination in spina bifida clinics. We are inviting a limited number of spina bifida clinics to discuss their experiences with care coordination. Your clinic was among a small group of clinics selected from around the country as participants. The goals of this study are to:

1. Examine the extent to which care coordination in spina bifida clinics is perceived as effective.

2. Identify perceived barriers to providing care coordination in spina bifida clinics.

3. Identify potential best practices related to providing care coordination in spina bifida clinics.

The Clinic Director is not available.

May I speak with the Care Coordinator or the Nurse Coordinator?


When would be a good time to reach him/her?

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-XXXX)

When the Clinic Director/appropriate contact is reached:

Hello, this is Cindy Brownstein and I’m calling from the Spina Bifida Association. I’m following up on a letter we sent you last week regarding a care coordination project being conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Do you recall receiving the letter and brochure we sent? [If yes, continue; if no, summarize project or offer to fax a copy]

We are interested in gathering information about activities related to care coordination in spina bifida clinics. We are inviting a limited number of spina bifida clinics to share their experiences with care coordination. The goals of this study are to:

1. Examine the extent to which care coordination in spina bifida clinics is perceived as effective.

2. Identify perceived barriers to providing care coordination in spina bifida clinics.

3. Identify potential best practices related to providing care coordination in spina bifida clinics.

Your facility has been selected to be one of the ten clinics to participate in this study. If you agree to participate, two researchers from Battelle, a non-profit research firm contracted to help us with this project, will come to your site at a date convenient to you and conduct one-on-one interviews with you and up to 5 key members of your staff. In addition, they will conduct a focus group with 8-10 caregivers of patients with spina bifida. Clinics that participate will be asked to do three things: assist with publicizing the study among clinic staff, identify key staff to be interviewed, and assist with recruiting focus group participants. After the study has been completed, you will receive a report summarizing the findings for your clinic as well as a report summarizing the findings across all of the clinics. Your participation is critical to the success of this project. Would you be interested in participating?

[If yes] Great. Please let me confirm your clinic’s contact information, including who should serve as the point-of-contact. [Confirm contact name, clinic name, address, telephone, fax and e-mail.] Jennifer Brustrom, the Project Director from Battelle, will be following up via telephone to answer any other questions you may have. She will also discuss the logistics of Battelle’s visit to your site. Thank you very much for your interest in this project.

[If no] Do you have any specific concerns about the study? [Proceed to “Responses to common issues.”]

Responses to common issues

Will clinic staff receive any compensation for participating in the interviews?

We are unable to reimburse the clinic staff for their time in this study. However, the information and recommendations gained from this study will help CDC and other health organizations to make better policies and guidelines for providing service to spina bifida patients. You will also receive a report summarizing the findings at your clinic, and you will receive a copy of the final report summarizing the findings across all 10 clinic sites. None of the final reports will identify specific clinics by name.

Will caregivers of patients receive any compensation for participating in the focus group?

Yes. We will offer a $40 honorarium to each caregiver of a person with spina bifida who participates in the focus group.

Are there any negative consequences if we don’t participate?

No. Your participation is voluntary, and your decision whether to participate will not in any way affect your current or future relationship with SBA or the CDC.

We don’t have time to participate.

We understand that a clinic such as yours has a busy schedule. We are willing to work with you to arrange convenient and unobtrusive times to interview you and any staff members you suggest. The information you can provide for this project is crucial to better facilitating treatment of patients with spina bifida so we hope you will agree to participate.

Who will see the results of the study?

CDC will receive a report summarizing study findings for each of the 10 clinics and a single report summarizing the findings across all of the study clinics. Copies of these 11 reports will be shared with SBA and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Each of the study clinics will receive a copy of the report for that clinic as well as a copy of the summary report. Battelle will not include names or any personal identification in the written reports, and they will present all data in the aggregate. Individual clinic names will be omitted from all reports summarizing the findings of the study. Study findings will also be presented at professional meetings.

Will our information be kept confidential?

Absolutely. All information gathered in this study will be handled in a private manner and participants’ identity protected according to federal laws. Battelle will not include names or any personal identification in our notes or in any written reports, and they will present all data in the aggregate. Individual clinic names will be omitted from all reports summarizing the findings of the study. Finally, project staff will permanently erase all audio recordings when the study is over.

How was this facility selected?

Your facility was chosen from among those who responded to the recent SBA survey on care coordination. Your facility in particular is among a sample carefully selected to represent a diverse array of spina bifida care settings.

Will all of our staff be interviewed?

That depends on the size of your staff and the kinds of positions you employ. Battelle will work with you to determine key staff members in certain areas. At larger clinics, we anticipate interviewing up to 5 staff members.

How long will the interviews take?

Individual interviews will last between 30 minutes to 1 hour each, depending on the role of the particular respondent.

What kinds of questions will you ask?

The questions will focus on the following topics, as they are specific to your clinic:

  • Goals of care coordination

  • Critical components and procedures of care coordination

  • Functions and roles of care coordinators

  • Effectiveness of care coordination

  • Involvement with other service systems

  • Satisfaction with services

  • Barriers and facilitators

What about IRB clearance?

This project has been approved by Battelle’s IRB. If your institution requires separate IRB clearance, Battelle will prepare the package with your forms.

Who is Battelle?

Battelle is a private, non-profit research firm. CDC has contracted with them to conduct the interviews and focus groups for this project.

What will helping recruit for the focus groups involve?

Battelle will work with you to determine how best to recruit participants from your clinic. For example, they may provide you with materials for a mailing—pre-stuffed, pre-stamped envelopes—and ask you to generate labels to place on them. They may also ask you to provide information—flyers and brochures—to any clients who express interest. In order to protect the confidentiality of your client base, Battelle will not ask for a list of your clients.

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleAttachment C11: Clinic Recruitment Script
Last Modified Byarp5
File Modified2007-06-14
File Created2007-06-11

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