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pdfThank you for protecting
yourself through the National
Flood lnsurance Program
Purchasing flood insurance is a wise decision for
the home or business owner. Like homeowners'
What To Do Before A Flood
Check Your Policy
have to use. But if flooding occurs, you will be
Prepare Lists and Documentation
protected as outlined in the details of your policy.
Secure Important Papers
This claims guide was created by the Federal
Talk to Your Insurance Agent
Plan an Emergency Contact
insurance, it's protection you hope you never
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),which
oversees the National Flood Insurance Propram,
What To Do After A flood
While every effort has be
e to make sure the
Steps to Take Immediately
Handling Your Claim
Filing Your Claim
information in this handbook is correct, you should
refer to your policy and its Declarations Page
for specific information on coverage, limitations,
restrictions and deductibles.
Addressing Questions About Your Insurance Claim
Four Steps to Appealing Your Claim
When you gather
your Insurance
papers for safekeeping, also gather
any other important
m e n such as
deeds or stock
certificates that you
may be keeping in
the house.
Slnce flood
insurance renew
annually, make it
a point to update
your documentation
Don't wait until waters are rising in your area and
flood threatens. Take stem now that will make vour
life much easier when a flood occurs.
Make sure all the information is correct, including
information about your mortgage company. It you have
refinanced with a company other than the one shown
on your policy, call your insurance agent or company
representative immediately.
Originals of important insurance papers should
be kept in a safe place, preferably in a bank safe deposit
box. Be sure your papers include contact information
for your agent or company, important receipts, your
flood insurance policy and documentation on your
personal property and contents of your home. Keep
copies in your home or business in the safest, most
accessible place possible that is not subject to flooding.
Having this detailed documentation will make filing
your claim much easier. If floodwaters actually carry
away your property, this list and the photos/receipts
will be important to documenting your loss.
Call your insurance agent or company representative
and discuss the particular requirements for reporting
a flood claim. These can vary from company to
company, so knowing how to proceed can save a lot
of effort later.
Remember, after a flood it may be difficult to get
in touch with your agent or insurance company. Power
and phone service may be interrupted, or phone lines
may be overwhelmed with other callers. It will benefit
you to know just what to do in advance of flooding.
After a flood, you may be unable to stay in your
home or to be contacted at your home address
and phone number. Share an emergency contactaddress and phone number-with your insurance
agent and family so you can be reached.
batterit&, ,'candles,
etc. E;en if you
never experience
a flood, you'll be
glad to have this k#
in a power outage.
if flooding is
imminent, the
number one rule
in a flood is to keep
yourself safe.
If waters rise in your
house before you
can leave safely,
move to the highest
level necessaryeven the roof. Take
extra clothing, your
radio, a flashlight
and, if possible,
If you have time, turn
off electricity at your
breaker or fuse box
and close the main
gas valve; get
valuables (furs,
jewelry, important
papers) to a higher
level; fill bathtubs,
sinks and plastic
soda bottles with
water. (Sanitize tubs
and sinks with
bleach, rinse and
then fill); and bring
outdoor possessions
(lawn furniture, grills,
etc.) inside or tie
them down securely.
Keep away from
downed power lines
and any other
electrical wireselectrocution is
always a major
cause of death in
After a flood, even
If your house seems
safe to enter,
be cautious.
If you hear hissing
or smell gas, leave
immediately and call
the gas company.
Using your home
phone or cell phone
inside the house
could spark an
Keep power off
until an electrlcian
has inspected
your system.
If sewer and water
lines are damaged,
don't use toilets or
slnks. Call a
plumber. Until told
the water supply is
safe, boil water for 5
mlnutes before
drinking it
or preparing food.
Throw away
foods, Including
canned goods.
A flood is an overwhelming experience. But taking
quick action will put you back in control of your
home and your life.
List Areas of Structural Damage: As you look over your
property, make a list of any areas of structural damage
you want to point out to the insurance adjuster.
Contact Your Agent or Company Representative to Report Your
Loss: Have ready-the name of your insurance
company, policy number and a phone number and/or
e-mail address where you can be reached. All flood
insurance policies require you to give prompt written
notice of loss. If you get in touch with your agent or
company representative directly, they will advise you
how to fde your notice of claim. Otherwise, you must
send a written notice to your insurance company with
your policy number.
SeparateYour Property: Your policy also requires
you to separate damaged property from undamaged
property. But don't throw anything away before an
adjuster has seen it, unless local law requires you
to. In that case, take photos of the property before
disposing of it and keep samples for the adjuster
to see. (For example, cut out a piece of w d - t o - w d
carpet.) Do all you can to protect undamaged property.
Make a List of Damaged Contents: If you've purchased
contents coverage, make a list of damaged property.
If you prepared comprehensive lists before the flood,
this should be relatively easy. List the quantity of each
item, a description, brand name, where purchased,
its cost, model and serial number (if appropriate)
and your estimate of the loss amount. Attach your
bills, receipts, photos and any other documents.
Generally, your adjuster will contact you within 24-48
hours after receiving your notice of loss. However,
depending on local conditions and the severity of
flooding, it may take more time.
Once the adjuster reaches you, a time will be set for
the adjuster to view your property.You may ask the
adjuster for an advance or partial payment. If you have
a mortgage, your mortgage company will need to sign
the Building Property advance check.
During the initial visit to your property, the adjuster
will take measurements and photographs and note
direct flood damage. This is called "scoping" a loss.
Be assured that your adjuster will be an experienced
claims professional and wdl notice many points of
damage you could overlook. However, you are
encouraged to point out all damage you have noticed.
After the "scope" is fmished, the adjuster will give
you a local contact telephone number and will tell
you whether any additional visits are needed.
(This may be the case if damage is extensive.)
The adjuster then uses the knowledge gained from the
visit(s)-and the documentation you have providedto complete a detailed estimate of damages.You wdl get
a copy. Use it as a guide when you ask for bids for
repair work from licensed professional contractors.
Any advance
payment will be part
of your total claim
for Building Pmpetty
and/or Personal
Roperty damage.
Your policy does not
provide coverage for
temporary llving
expenses or housing.
Only direct physical
damage from
floodlng is covered.
Your policy requires
that you cooperate
wlth your adjuster
before, during and
after the "scoplng."
You should also
be awan? that an
adjuster cannot
approve (or
disapprove) your
claim, or tell you
when or if the
Insurance company
will approve It.
Recoverlng from
a flood Is very
sttesful for home
or buslness owners,
but by cooperating
wlth your adjuster,
your clalm can fm
e more
Get a m a l l
notebook and use it
to track all your
contacts. That way,
you will easily have
all records in one
In the event you
have a further flood,
you will need copies
of your receipts and
documentation for
all repairs and
replacements for
this prior loss.
Your official claim for damages is called a Proof of
Loss. This must be f d y completed and signed and
in the hands of your insurance company within 60
days after the loss occurs.
The Proof of Loss includes a detailed estimate to
replace or repair the damaged property. In most cases,
the adjuster, as a courtesy, will provide you with a
suggested Proof of Loss. However, you are responsible
for malung sure that it is complete, accurate and filed
in a timely manner.
Be sure to keep a copy of the Proof of Loss-and
copies of all supporting documents-for your records.
In some severe floods, FEMA may authorize Proof
of Loss extensions for everyone in your area.
Your insurance company will be notified, as will local
news outlets.
Your claim is payable after:
You and the insurer agree on the amount of damages.
The insurer receives your complete, accurate and
signed Proof of Loss.
More information on claims payment is in your policy.
Any check for building property must include
your mortgage company name, or the name of the
individual holding your mortgage. A check for
Personal Property will usually be in your name only.
If you notice additional damage to your Building
Property or Personal Property after filing your
claim, you may file a Supplemental Claim.This means,
essentially, that you must repeat the documentation and
filing process for your original claim, including a Proof
of Loss-but only for the newly discovered damage.
Supplemental Claims should start with immediately
notifying your adjuster, agent and/or company
representative. Once you have completed
documentation, present it to your adjuster who may
need to make another property visit to verify your loss.
A Supplemental
Claim, like your
original claim,
must be filed within
6 0 days after the
loss. If you dlscover
additional damage
after the 60-day limlt
has passed, contact
your adluster
&nmed&te& Clalms
filed after 6 0 days
are declded on a
case-by-case basis.
- 2 = - %
~t &it-stehyou
?&eep-d@r &iai~rryour
_ p=
- --**attemptsI'to,resofve
_issues.wdte down
the'namek G d e l e s
of people you' speak
with; dates of
contact; contact
information; and
detalls of the
If you
haw to go further
In appealing your
clalm, these records
can be vitally
Important -
The NFIP provides you with a process to appeal
decisions regarding your flood insurance claim.
This process will help you resolve claim issues,
but it cannot give you added coverage or claim
limits beyond those in your NFIP policy.
In filing and completing your insurance claim, you
may have questions, or need further explanations of
decisions that have been made, especially with regard
to coverage, dollar amount of damages, or your Proof
of Loss.
A legal representative may be asked to provide authorization
from the Named Insured or other legal documents verifying
the relationship.
Your letter of appeal must be submitted to FEMA within 60
days from the date of the denial letter that you receive from
your flood insurer.
Every effort has been
made- to ensure that
-'the inform;?t/on
provfded here is
accujate. However, *
vour Standard Flood
Insurance Policy
Talk with your adjuster, who has more knowledge
about your claim than anyone. If you don't understand
certain decisions regarding, for example, application
of coverage, timing of the filing of Proof of Loss,
or the damage estimate, contact your adjuster first.
If you are not satisfied with the adjuster's answers,
or do not agree with decisions, get contact
information for the adjuster's supervisor.
favor of
y o u ~ i i " dinstijanke
p o g l if you have:
your insurance
agent or compdny
This letter should be written by the Named Insured (as it
appears on your NFIP policy) or by a legal representative, if
necessary. The representative should clearly identify hidher
relationship to the Named Insured. (For example, a son or
daughter could be handling a claim for an elderly parent.)
If the adjuster's supervisor can't resolve your issues,
contact the insurance company's claim representative.
Ask your insurance agent or your insurance company
re~resentativefor assistance.
Please refer to your flood policy for more information on appeals.
See Section 7 of Gmeml Conditions, Paragraph R.
If you still have questions or concerns after following
steps one through three, contact the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
The following six items should be in your letter to FEMA
in order to address your questions. (If for some reason,
your policy is not available, your insurance agent can
provide details for the first three items.)
1. The Policy Number, as shown on your NFIP policy's
Declarations Page.
2. The policyholder's name, as shown as the Named
Insured on the Declarations Page.
3. The property address, as shown on the Declarations
Page. (Not your mailing address, if it is different from
the property address.)
4. How you can be contacted, if you are out of your home.
5. The details of your concern.
(Please be as complete as possible.)
6. The dates of contact and contact details for the persons
with whom you have spoken in steps one through three
on the previous page.
Please do not
send originals of
documents such
as contractor's
estimates. Send
photocopies and
keep originals In
a safe place.
Enclose documentation of everythmg that supports your
Provide a copy of the insurer's written denial, in
whole or in part, of the claim;
Identify relevant policy and claim information and
state the basis for the appeal;
Submit relevant documentation to support the
appeal, but only documentation that directly
pertains to your claim.
The following are examples of the kinds of
documentation that FEMA will require:
A copy of the Proof of Loss submitted to the insurer,
as required in the policy
Room-by-room itemized estimates from the adjuster
(include contractors' estimates), detailing unit costs
and quantities for the items needing repair or
Replacement cost Proofs of Loss
Adjuster's Preliminary Report
Adjuster's Final Report
Detailed damaged personal property inventories that
include the approximate ages of the items
Completed Mobile Home Worksheet
Mobile home title, including salvage title
Real estate appraisals that exclude land values
Advance payment information
Clear photographs (exterior and interior) confirming
damage that resulted from duect physical loss by or
from flood
Proof that prior flood damage has been repaired
Evidence of insurance and policy information, i.e.,
Declarations Page
Elevation Certificate, if the buildmg is elevated
The community's determination concerning
substantial damage
Information regarding substantial improvement
Zone determinations
Pre-loss and post-loss inventories
Financial statements
Tax records, lease agreements, sales contracts,
settlement papers, deed, etc.
Emergency (9 1 1) address change information
Salvage information (proceeds and sales)
Condominium association by-laws
Proof of other insurance, including homeowners or
wind policies, and any claim information submitted
to the other companies
Waiver, Letter of Map Revision (LOMR), or Letter of
Map Amendment (LOMA) information
Paid receipts and invoices including cancelled checks
that support an insured's out-of-pocket expenses
pertaining to the claim
Underwriting decisions
Architectural plans and drawings
Death certificates
Last Will and Testament
Divorce decree
Power of attorney
Current lienholder information
Current loss payee information
Paid receipts and invoices documenting damaged
Detailed engineering reports specifically addressing
flood-related damage and pre-existing damage
Engineering surveys
Market values
Documentation of Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)
Documentation reflecting date(s) of construction and
substantial improvement
Loan documents including closings
Evidence of insurability as a Residential
Condominium Association
Franchise agreements
Letters of representation, i.e., attorneys and public
Any assignment of interest in a claim
And, any other pertinent information that FEMA may
request in processing a claim.
Please do not
send originals of
documents such
as contractor4
estimates. Send
photocoples and
keep orlglnals In
a safe place.
A re-inspection of your property may be conducted at
the discretion of FEMA to gather more information.
send qrlgnalsgf
as_cpntracto@ estimates Send
photocopies and
keep originals In
a safe place.
A request by FEMA for additional information will
include the date by which the information must be
provided, which shall in no case be less than 14 calendar days. Failure to provide the requested information in full within 14 calendar days may result in dismissal of your appeal. FEMA d ensure that all information necessary to rule on the appeal has been provided prior to making an appeal decision.
The appeals process is intended to resolve claim issues
and is not intended to grant coverage or limits that are
not provided by the SFIF! Filing an appeal does not
waive any of the requirements for perfecting a claim
under the SFIP or extend any of the time limitations
set forth in the SFIF?
1. Disputes that are or have been subject to appraisal
as provided for in the SFIP cannot be appealed.
2. If you file an appeal on any issue, that issue is no
longer subject to resolution by appraisal or other
pre-litigation remedies.
3. If you file suit against an insurer on the flood
insurance claim issue, you are prohibited from fding an appeal. All appeals submitted for decision
but not resolved shall be terminated upon notice of
the commencement of litigation regarding the
.,-... ...., -,
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- -
FEMA will review the appeal documents, including
any reinspection report, if appropriate. FEMA will provide specific information on what grounds the claim
was initially denied.
FEMA will provide an appeal decision in writing to
the policyholder and insurer within 90 days from the
date that all information has been submitted by the
policyholder and will include specific information for
the resolution of the appeal. No further administrative
review will be provided to the insured.
If you do not agree with the final decision, please
refer to your flood insurance policy. See the "GENERAL CONDITIONS" Section, Paragraph R. "Suit Against
Us." The 1 -year period to file suit commences with
the written denial from the insurer and is not extended by the appeals process.
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2007-06-14 |
File Created | 2007-06-14 |