Key Informant Interview Guide

A Sustainability Assessment of Community-based Interventions in Northwestern Tanzania

Appendix E. Key Informant Interview 4_10_2007-IA

Key Informant Interview

OMB: 0920-0749

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OMB NO. 0920-06AT

Date xx/xx/20xx

Key Informant Interview Guide

Public reporting burden of this collection of information using the Key-informant interview guide is projected to take about 45 minutes. This time includes the time for interviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; 0920-06AT.

Introduction: We are visiting your village today to talk with you and others about health issues and your community. This is a learning process and we want to learn from your experiences. We will be taking notes to make sure we record everything you say. We will not be sharing this information with other villagers. What we will talk about in our discussion will be private and the discussion will take about 45 minutes. You do not have to tell us anything that you don’t want to tell us, and you can skip any questions if you want. We will not write your name down or tell anyone how you answered the questions. I ask your permission.

Thank you and shall we begin?

1.) What are some major issues facing your community? (Probe: health issues).

2.) Please describe to us the way medical emergencies are handled in your village and in particular maternal health emergencies?

Probe: How do people get to health facilities from their home, cost, who is responsible, and community response?

3.) Please tell us about the village health workers and describe the kinds of things they do in your village? (probe: Number of VHW in the village, are they paid? How often and amount? Data collected by the VHWs-type and where does it go? Describes some ways you show appreciation for their work?)

4.) Please tell us about the transport system and how it works? (Probe: who can use it and cost per use, what if someone can’t pay describe what happens).

5.) Can you tell us about how people from far away hamlets access the transport system? (probe: people in far away hamlets do they do something different than others in the center of the village).

6.) Please describe one example of someone who used the transport system and your opinion on how did it work?

7.) Please describe the way the transport system is managed in your community? (probe: who is responsible, duties, etc.)

8.) Describe the some of the most important things that VHWs have done in your community, Is community better ( or worse) because of the VHWs? Impact the VHW’s have had in your community?

How would you community be different if there were no VHWs?

9.) Describe the impact of the emergency transport system (probe: issues/experiences that resulted from having it).

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OMB NO. _____________

Exp. Date ______________

File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorIndu Ahluwalia
Last Modified Bymid2
File Modified2007-04-11
File Created2007-04-10

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