App. No.______________________
(Please Print or Type) (Ex-Im Bank Use Only)
1.Insured/Exporter Name:
Policy No: State:
Attn: Tel No:
Fax No: E-Mail: |
2. Broker (If none, state “None”)
Brokerage: Broker No:
Attn: Tel. No:
Fax No: E-Mail: |
3. Reason for Application on this Buyer:
carries no Discretionary Credit Limit (DCL)
requested exceeds DCL
Limitation Schedule restricts your DCL in this market
of existing SBCL-Existing Final Shipment Date
Buyer Name and Address: File No.________________________
(Ex-Im Bank Use Only)
Guarantor Name and Address (If any): File
(Ex-Im Bank Use Only)
6. (a) Products New Used (if used, attach Used Equipment Questionnaire EIB92-63).
Products Description____________________________________________________________________
Is each product produced or manufactured in the United States? Yes No
Has at least one-half of the value, exclusive of price mark-up, been added by labor or material exclusively of United States origin?
Yes No
(e) Are products listed on the United States Munitions List? (part 121 of Title 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations) Yes No
7. (a) Exporter and/or manufacturer name and address if other than insured:____________________________________________
(a) Credit Limit requested $ __________________________________________________________________
Payment terms requested
of credit experience with this buyer during current year and past two
years, including uninsured experience:
sales each year $___________ $___________ $____________
Highest amount outstanding at any time during the period
$___________ $___________ $____________
Payment terms |
(b) Describe buyer's payment history (check one) |
No prior experience Prompt/Discount 1-30 days slow 31-60 days slow more than 60 days slow |
(c) Amount now owing $____________, as of_________________(Date). |
(d) Amount now past due (indicate maturity dates and explanation). $_____________________________________________
(e) If past dues are due to foreign exchange problem does insured have evidence of local currency deposit on all payments due? Yes No Not Applicable
(f) If buyer is new account, indicate whether negotiating sales or $ value of orders already received $____________________
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10. Describe any direct or indirect ownership interest or family relationship which exists between the insured and the buyer (or guarantor) or between the supplier and the buyer (or guarantor). If none, state "None".
Up to $50,000: Credit Agency Report, or Trade Reference
$50,001 to $100,000: Credit Agency Report and Trade Reference
$100,001 to $300,000: Credit Agency Report and 2 Trade References
The Buyer’s audited or signed unaudited financial statements for the last 2 fiscal years may be substituted for the trade references.
$300,001 to $1million: Credit Agency Report and 2 Trade References and the Buyer’s audited or signed unaudited financial statements for the last 2 fiscal years with notes.
over $1 million: Credit Agency Report and 2 Trade References and a Bank Reference and the Buyer’s audited or signed unaudited financial statements for the last 3 fiscal years with notes.
* The applicant’s credit experience with the Buyer as completed in Question 9 may be substituted for a Trade Reference. If fiscal year end statements are dated more than 9 months from the date of the application, the Buyer’s interim statements must be submitted. All references and credit reports must be dated within 6 months of the application and show prompt credit experience for similar amounts and similar terms as described in Ex-Im Bank’s Short Term Credit Standards for Buyers.
If the Buyer has a Market Rating you may submit the rating and date in place of the Credit and Financial Information. If a Financial Institution (Bank) is the Buyer or a Guarantor or if a letter of credit is used no Credit and Financial Information is necessary.
NOTE: See Short Term Credit Standards (EIB99-09) for Buyers to determine the likelihood of approval.
a) The applicant certifies that neither it, nor its Principals, have within the past 3 years been i) debarred, suspended, declared ineligible from participating in, or voluntarily excluded from participation in a Covered Transaction, ii) formally proposed for debarment, with a final determination still pending, iii) indicted, convicted or had a civil judgement rendered against it for any of the offenses listed in the Regulations, iv) delinquent on any substantial debts owed to the U.S. Government or its agencies or instrumentalities as of the date of execution of this application; or v) the undersigned has received a written statement of exception from Ex-Im Bank attached to this certification, permitting participation in this Covered Transaction despite an inability to make certifications i) through iv) in this paragraph.
The applicant further certifies that it has not and will not knowingly enter into any agreements in connection with the products and services to be exported in the transaction described herein, with any individual or entity that has been debarred, suspended, declared ineligible from participating in, or voluntarily excluded from participation in a Covered Transaction. The term “Covered Transaction” shall have the meaning set forth in the Ex-Im Bank Debarment and Suspension Regulations at 12 C.F.R. Part 413 (Regulations). The applicant is not listed on any of the publicly available debarment lists of the following international financial institutions: World Bank Group, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Inter-American Development Bank.
In addition, the applicant certifies that neither the applicant nor anyone acting on its behalf, such as agents, has engaged, or will engage, in any activity in connection with this transaction that is a violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, 15 U.S.C. 78dd-1 et seq. (which provides for civil and criminal penalties against companies and individuals who directly or indirectly make or facilitate corrupt payments to foreign officials to obtain or keep business). Further, the applicant has not engaged, and will not engage, in any activity in connection with this transaction that is a violation of the Arms Export Control Act, 22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq., the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq., or the Export Administration Act of 1979, 50 U.S.C. 2401 et seq. The applicant has not been found by a court of the United States to be in violation of any of these statutes within the preceding 12 months, and to the best of its knowledge, the performance by the parties to this transaction of their respective obligations does not violate any other applicable law.
The applicant certifies that neither the applicant nor anyone acting on its behalf in connection with this transaction is currently under charge or has been, within the past 5 years, convicted in any court or subject to national administrative measures of any country for bribery of foreign public officials.
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b) The applicant hereby certifies to the Export-Import Bank of the United States that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, the products* and services to be exported in the transaction described herein are principally for use as indicated below.(When a sale is made to entities such as distributors primarily for resale, the principal user is considered to be the original purchaser (the distributor), and part A should be checked. If, however, the applicant has knowledge or reason to believe that the products will be re-exported from the original buyer's country, please check part B.) A By the buyer in the country specified above.
B If not, name country where product will be principally used _______________________ and by whom_____________________.
* NOTE: The Borrower, Guarantor, Buyer and End User must be foreign entities in countries for which Ex-Im is able to provide support, see Ex-Im’s Country Limitation Schedule (CLS) at www.exim,.gov . There may not be trade measures against them under Section 201 of the Trade Act of 1974, see http://dockets.usitc.gov/eol/public/ click on 201. There may not be trade sanctions in force against them. For a list of products and countries with Anti-Dumping or Countervailing Duty sanctions see
c) The applicant certifies that the representations made and the facts stated by it in the application for the special buyer credit limit are true, to the best of its knowledge and belief, and that it has not omitted any material facts. The applicant agrees that the representations and facts shall form the basis of the credit limit if issued and that the truth of such representations and facts contained herein shall be a condition precedent to any liability of Ex-Im thereunder. The applicant understands that this certification is subject to the penalties for fraud provided in Article 18, United States Code, Section 1001.
By____________________________________________________ _______________________________________ ____________
Signature of Insured/Exporter Print Name and Title Date
Name of Umbrella Policy (EUS-)Administrator or EBS/EBM Policyholder (if any)
Note: Please answer all questions and sign application. Applications not completely filled out or not submitted with required financial and credit information will be withdrawn.
or ask your insurance broker, administrator, bank policyholder or
city/state participant to review and send, this application to
Bank, 811 Vermont Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20571 or an Ex-Im
Regional Office.
Ex-Im Bank website is <http://www.exim.gov>
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File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Application for Special Buyer Credit Limit (SBCL) under Multi-Buyer Export Credit Insurance Policies |
Author | cruz |
Last Modified By | exim001 |
File Modified | 2007-02-05 |
File Created | 2007-02-05 |