Form SEC-1913 Schedule 14A

Regulation 14A (Commission Rules 14a-1 through 14a-15 and Schedule 14A)


Regulation 14A (Commission Rules 14a-1 through 14a-15 and Schedule 14A)

OMB: 3235-0059

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Washington, D.C. 20549

OMB Number:
January 31, 2008
Estimated average burden
hours per response . . . . . 14.

Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.
Filed by the Registrant [ ]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
Check the appropriate box:


Preliminary Proxy Statement
Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
Definitive Proxy Statement
Definitive Additional Materials
Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12

(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
No fee required.
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the
amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


Total fee paid:

SEC 1913 (04-05)

Persons who are to respond to the collection of information contained
in this form are not required to respond unless the form displays a
currently valid OMB control number.


Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.


Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the
offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule
and the date of its filing.
1) Amount Previously Paid:

2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

3) Filing Party:

4) Date Filed:

Reg. § 240.14a-101. Notes:
A. Where any item calls for information with respect to any matter to be acted upon and such matter involves other matters with
respect to which information is called for by other items of this Schedule, the information called for by such other items shall
also be given. For example, where a solicitation of security holders is for the purpose of approving the authorization of
additional securities which are to be used to acquire another specified company, and the registrants’ security holders will
not have a separate opportunity to vote upon the transaction, the solicitation to authorize the securities is also a solicitation
with respect to the acquisition. Under those facts, information required by Items 11, 13 and 14 shall be furnished.
B. Where any item calls for information with respect to any matter to be acted upon at the meeting, such item need be answered
in the registrant’s soliciting material only with respect to proposals to be made by or on behalf of the registrant.
C. Except as otherwise specifically provided, where any item calls for information for a specified period with regard to directors,
executive officers, officers or other persons holding specified positions or relationships, the information shall be given with
regard to any person who held any of the specified positions or relationships at any time during the period. Information need
not be included for any portion of the period during which such person did not hold any such position or relationship, provided
a statement to that effect is made.
D. Information may be incorporated by reference only in the manner and to the extent specifically permitted in the items of this
schedule. Where incorporation by reference is used, the following shall apply:

Any incorporation by reference of information pursuant to the provisions of this Schedule shall be subject to the
provisions of §228.10(f) and §229.10(d) restricting incorporation by reference of documents which incorporate by
reference other information. A registrant incorporating any documents, or portions of documents, shall include a
statement on the last page(s) of the proxy statement as to which documents, or portions of documents, are incorporated
by reference. Information shall not be incorporated by reference in any case where such incorporation would render the
statement incomplete, unclear or confusing.


If a document is incorporated by reference but not delivered to security holders, include an undertaking to provide,
without charge, to each person to whom a proxy statement is delivered, upon written or oral request of such person and
by first class mail or other equally prompt means within one business day of receipt of such request, a copy of any and
all of the information that has been Incorporated by reference In the proxy statement (not including exhibits to the
information that is incorporated by reference unless such exhibits are specifically incorporated by reference into the
information that the proxy statement incorporates), and the address (including title or department) and telephone
numbers to which such a request is to be directed. This includes information contained in documents filed subsequent
to the date on which definitive copies of the proxy statement are sent or given to security holders, up to the date of
responding to the request.




If a document or portion of a document other than an annual report sent to security holders pursuant to the requirements
of Rule 14a-3 (§240.14a-3 of this chapter) with respect to the same meeting or solicitation of consents or authorizations
as that to which the proxy statement relates is incorporated by reference in the manner permitted by Item 13(b) or 14(b)
of this schedule, the proxy statement must be sent to security holders no later than 20 business days prior to the date
on which the meeting of such security holders is held or, if no meeting is held, at least 20 business days prior to the date
the votes, consents or authorizations may be used to effect the corporate action.


Electronic filings. If any of the information required by Items 13 or 14 of this Schedule is incorporated by reference from
an annual or quarterly report to security holders, such report, or any portion thereof incorporated by reference, shall be
filed in electronic format with the proxy statement. This provision shall not apply to registered investment companies.

In Items 13 and 14 of this Schedule, the reference to “meets the requirements of Form S-2” shall refer to a registrant or to an
“other person” specified in Item 14(a) of this Schedule which meets the requirements for use of Form S-2 (§239.12 of this
chapter) and the reference to “meets the requirement of Form S-3” shall refer to a registrant or to an “other person” specified
in Item 14(a) of this Schedule which meets the following requirements.

the registrant or other person meets the requirements of General Instruction I.A. of Form S-3 (§239.13 of this chapter);


one of the following is met:

(i) the registrant or other person meets the aggregate market value requirement of General Instruction I.B.1 of Form S-3; or
(ii) action is to be taken as described in Items 11, 12 and 14 of this Schedule which concerns non-convertible debt or preferred
securities which are “investment grade securities” as defined in General Instruction I.B.2 of Form S-3, except that the
time by which the rating must be assigned shall be the date on which definitive copies of the proxy statement are first
sent or given to security holders; or
(iii) the registrant or other person is a majority-owned subsidiary and one of the conditions of General Instruction I.C. of Form
S-3 is met.

Note to Small Business Issuers—Registrants and acquirees that meet the definition of “small business issuer” under Rule
12b-2 of the Exchange Act (§240.12b-2) shall refer to the disclosure items in Regulation S-B (§228.10 et seq. of this chapter)
and not Regulation S-K (§229.10 et seq. of this chapter). If there is no comparable disclosure item in Regulation S-B, small
business issuers need not provide the information requested. Small business issuers shall provide the financial information
in Item 310 of Regulation S-B in lieu of the financial statements required in Schedule 14A.

G. Special Note for Small Business Issuers.
(1) Registrants and acquirees which meet the definition of “small business issuer” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act and
filed their latest annual report in accordance with “Information Required in Annual Report of Transitional Small Business
Issuers” in form 10-KSB shall refer to this “Special Note for Small Business Issuers” with respect to the specified items
in this Schedule. If paragraph G(2) or G(3), below, does not contain an alternative disclosure instruction, small business
issuers should comply with the disclosure item in this schedule, as modified by Instruction F.
(2) Registrants and acquirees which relied upon Alternative 1 in their most recent Form 10-KSB may provide the following
information (Question numbers are in reference to Model A of Form 1-A): (a) Questions 37 and 38 instead of Item 6(d);
(b) Question 43 instead of Item 7(a); (c) Questions 29-36 and 39 instead of Item 7(b); (d) Questions 40-42 instead of Item
8; (e) Questions 40-42 instead of Item 10; (e) the information required in Part F/S of Form 10-SB instead of the financial
statement requirements of Items 13 or 14; (f) Questions 4, 11 and 47-50 instead of Item 13(a)(1)(3); (g) Question 3 instead
of Item 14(b)(3)(i)(A) and (B); and (h) Questions 4, 11 and 47-50 instead of Item 14(b)(3)(i)(H).

(3) Registrants and acquirees which relied upon Alternative 2 in their most recent Form 10-KSB may provide the following
information (“Model B” refers to Model B of Form 1-A): (a) Item 10 of Model B instead of Item 6(d) of Schedule 14A;
(b) Item 8(d) of Model B instead of Item 7(a) of Schedule 14A: (c) Items 8(a)-8(c) and Item II of Model B instead of Item


7(b) of Schedule 14A; (d) Item 9 of Model B instead of Item 8 of Schedule 14A; (e) Item 9 of Model B instead of Item 10
of Schedule 14A; (f) the information required in Part F/S of Form 10-SB instead of the financial statement requirements
of Items 13 or 14 of Schedule 14A; (g) Item 6(a)(3)(i) of Model B instead of Item 13(a)(1)(3) of Schedule 14A; (h) Items
6 and 7 of Model B instead of Item 14(b)(3)(i)(A) and (B) of Schedule 14A; and (i) Item 6(a)(3)(i) of Model B instead of
Item 14(b)(3)(i)(H) of Schedule 14A.
Item 1. Date, Time and Place Information
(a) State the date, time and place of the meeting of security holders, and the complete mailing address, including Zip Code,
of the principal executive officers of the registrant, unless such information is otherwise disclosed in material furnished
to security holders with or preceding the proxy statement. If action is to be taken by written consent, state the date by
which consents are to be submitted if state law requires that such a date be specified or if the person soliciting intends
to set a date.
(b) On the first page of the proxy statement, as delivered to security holders, state the approximate date on which the proxy
statement and form of proxy are first sent or given to security holders.
(c) Furnish the information required to be in the proxy statement by Rule 14a-5(e) (§240.14a-5(e) of this chapter).
Item 2. Revocability of Proxy
State whether or not the person giving the proxy has the power to revoke it. If the right of revocation before the proxy is
exercised is limited or is subject to compliance with any formal procedure, briefly describe such limitation or procedure.
Item 3. Dissenters’ Right of Appraisal
Outline briefly the rights of appraisal or similar rights of dissenters with respect to any matter to be acted upon and indicate
any statutory procedure required to be followed by dissenting security holders in order to perfect such rights. Where such rights
may be exercised only within a limited time after the date of adoption of a proposal, the filing of a charter amendment or other
similar act, state whether the persons solicited will be notified of such date.

Indicate whether a security holder’s failure to vote against a proposal will constitute a waiver of his appraisal or similar rights
and whether a vote against a proposal will be deemed to satisfy any notice requirements under State law with respect to
appraisal rights. If the State law is unclear, state what position will be taken in regard to these matters.

2. Open-end investment companies registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 are not required to respond to this
Item 4. Persons Making the Solicitation
(a) Solicitations not subject to Rule 14a-12(c) (§240.14a-12(c) of this chapter).

If the solicitation is made by the registrant, so state. Give the name of any director of the registrant who has informed
the registrant in writing that he intends to oppose any action intended to be taken by the registrant and indicate
the action which he intends to oppose.


If the solicitation is made otherwise than by the registrant, so state and give the names of the participants in the
solicitation, as defined in paragraphs (a)(iii), (iv), (v) and (vi) of Instruction 3 to this Item.


If the solicitation is to be made otherwise than by the use of the malls, describe the methods to be employed. If the
solicitation is to be made by specially engaged employees or paid solicitors, state (i) the material features of any
contract or arrangement for such solicitation and identify the parties, and (ii) the cost or anticipated cost thereof.
State the names of the persons by whom the cost of solicitation has been or will be borne, directly or indirectly.


(b) Solicitations subject to Rule 14a-12(c) (§240.14a-12(c) of this chapter).



State by whom the solicitation is made and describe the methods employed and to be employed to solicit security


If regular employees of the registrant or any other participant in a solicitation have been or are to be employed to
solicit security holders, describe the class or classes of employees to be so employed, and the manner and nature
of their employment for such purpose.


If specially engaged employees, representatives or other persons have been or are to be employed to solicit security
holders, state (i) the material features of any contract or arrangement for such solicitation and the identity of the
parties, (ii) the cost or anticipated cost thereof, and (iii) the approximate number of such employees or employees
of any other person (naming such other person) who will solicit security holders).


State the total amount estimated to be spent and the total expenditures to date for, in furtherance of, or in connection
with the solicitation of security holders.


State by whom the cost of the solicitation will be borne. If such cost is to be borne initially by any person other
than the registrant, state whether reimbursement will be sought from the registrant, and, if so, whether the question
of such reimbursement will be submitted to a vote of security holders.


If any such solicitation is terminated pursuant to a settlement between the registrant and any other participant in
such solicitation, describe the terms of such settlement, including the cost or anticipated cost thereof to the


With respect to solicitations subject to Rule 14a-12(c) (§240.14a-12(c) of this chapter), costs and expenditures within the
meaning of this Item 4 shall include fees for attorneys, accountants, public relations or financial advisers, solicitors,
advertising, printing, transportation, litigation and other costs incidental to the solicitation, except that the registrant may
exclude the amount of such costs represented by the amount normally expended for a solicitation for an election of directors
in the absence of a contest, and costs represented by salaries and wages of regular employees and officers, provided a
statement to that effect is included in the proxy statement.


The information required pursuant to paragraph (b)(6) of this Item should be included in any amended or revised proxy
statement or other soliciting materials relating to the same meeting or subject matter furnished to security holders by the
registrant subsequent to the date of settlement.


For purposes of this Item 4 and Item 5 of this Schedule 14A:
(a) The terms “participant” and “participant in a solicitation” include the following:

the registrant;


any director of the registrant, and any nominee for whose election as a director proxies are solicited;

(iii) any committee or group which solicits proxies, any member of such committee or group, and any person whether
or not named as a member who, acting alone or with one or more other persons, directly or indirectly takes the
initiative, or engages, in organizing, directing, or arranging for the financing of any such committee or group;
(iv) any person who finances or joins with another to finance the solicitation of proxies, except persons who contribute
not more than $500 and who are not otherwise participants;

any person who lends money or furnishes credit or enters into any other arrangements, pursuant to any contract
or understanding with a participant, for the purpose of financing or otherwise inducing the purchase, sale, holding
or voting of securities of the registrant by any participant or other persons, in support of or in opposition to a
participant; except that such terms do not include a bank, broker or dealer who, in the ordinary course of business,
lends money or executes orders for the purchase or sale of securities and who is not otherwise a participant; and


(vi) any person who solicits proxies.
(b) The terms “participant” and “participant in a solicitation” do not include:

any person or organization retained or employed by a participant to solicit security holders and whose activities
are limited to the duties required to be performed in the course of such employment;


any person who merely transmits proxy soliciting material or performs other ministerial or clerical duties;

(iii) any person employed by a participant in the capacity of attorney, accountant, or advertising, public relations or
financial adviser, and whose activities are limited to the duties required to be performed in the course of such
(iv) any person regularly employed as an officer or employee of the registrant or any of its subsidiaries who is not
otherwise a participant; or

any officer or director of, or any person regularly employed by, any other participant, if such officer, director or
employee is not otherwise a participant.

Item 5. Interest of Certain Persons in Matters to Be Acted Upon
(a) Solicitations not subject to Rule 14a-12(c) (§240.14a-12(c) of this chapter). Describe briefly any substantial interest,
direct or indirect, by security holdings or otherwise, of each of the following persons in any matter to be acted upon,
other than elections to office:

If the solicitation is made on behalf of the registrant, each person who has been a director or executive officer of
the registrant at any time since the beginning of the last fiscal year.


If the solicitation is made otherwise than on behalf of the registrant, each participant in the solicitation, as defined
in paragraphs (a)(iii), (iv), (v), and (vi) of Instruction 3 to Item 4 of this Schedule 14A.


Each nominee for election as a director of the registrant.


Each associate of any of the foregoing persons.

Instruction. Except in the case of a solicitation subject to this regulation made in opposition to another solicitation subject
to this regulation, the sub-item (a) shall not apply to any interest arising from the ownership of securities of the registrant
where the security holder receives no extra or special benefit not shared on a pro rata basis by all other holders of the
same class.
(b) Solicitation subject to Rule 14a-12(c) (§240.14a-12(c) of this chapter). With respect to any solicitation subject to
Rule 14a-12(c).

Describe briefly any substantial interest, direct or indirect, by security holdings or otherwise, of each participant
as defined in paragraphs (a)(ii), (iii), (iv), (v) and (vi) of Instruction 3 to Item 4 of this Schedule 14A, in any matter
to be acted upon at the meeting, and include with respect to each participant the following information, or a fair
and adequate summary thereof:
(i) Name and business address of the participant.
(ii) The participant’s present principal occupation or employment and the name, principal business and address of
any corporation or other organization in which such employment is carried on.
(iii) State whether or not, during the past ten years, the participant has been convicted in a criminal proceeding
(excluding traffic violations or similar misdemeanors) and, if so, give dates, nature of conviction, name and
location of court, and penalty imposed or other disposition of the case. A negative answer need not be


included in the proxy statement or other soliciting material.
(iv) State the amount of each class of securities of the registrant which the participant owns beneficially, directly
or indirectly.

State the amount of each class of securities of the registrant which the participant owns of record but not

(vi) State with respect to all securities of the registrant purchased or sold within the past two years, the dates
on which they were purchased or sold and the amount purchased or sold on each such date.
(vii) If any part of the purchase price or market value of any of the shares specified in paragraph (b)(1)(vi) of this
Item is represented by funds borrowed or otherwise obtained for the purpose of acquiring or holding such
securities, so state and indicate the amount of the indebtedness as of the latest practicable date. If such funds
were borrowed or obtained otherwise than pursuant to a margin account or bank loan in the regular course
of business of a bank, broker or dealer, briefly describe the transaction, and state the names of the parties.
(viii) State whether or not the participant is, or was within the past year, a party to any contract, arrangements or
understandings with any person with respect to any securities of the registrant, including, but not limited
to, joint ventures, loan or option arrangements, puts or calls, guarantees against loss or guarantees of profit,
division of losses or profits, or the giving or withholding of proxies. If so, name the parties to such contracts,
arrangements or understandings and give the details thereof.

State the amount of securities of the registrant owned beneficially, directly or indirectly, by each of the
participant’s associates and the name and address of each such associate.


State the amount of each class of securities of any parent or subsidiary of the registrant which the participant
owns beneficially, directly or indirectly.


Furnish for the participant and associates of the participant the information required by Item 404(a) of
Regulation S-K (§229.404(a) of this chapter).

(xii) State whether or not the participant or any associates of the participant have any arrangement or
understanding with any person—
(A) with respect to any future employment by the registrant or its affiliates; or

with respect to any future transactions to which the registrant or any of its affiliates will or may be a

If so, describe such arrangement or understanding and state the names of the parties thereto.

With respect to any person, other than a director or executive officer of the registrant acting solely in that capacity,
who is a party to an arrangement or understanding pursuant to which a nominee for election as director is proposed
to be elected, describe any substantial interest, direct or indirect, by security holdings or otherwise, that such
person has in any matter to be acted upon at the meeting, and furnish the information called for by paragraphs
(b)(1)(xi) and (xii) of this Item.

Instruction: For purposes of this Item 5, beneficial ownership shall be determined in accordance with Rule 13d-3 under the Act
(Section 240.13d-3 of this chapter).
Item 6. Voting Securities and Principal Holders Thereof
(a) As to each class of voting securities of the registrant entitled to be voted at the meeting (or by written consents or
authorizations if no meeting is held), state the number of shares outstanding and the number of votes to which each class
is entitled.


(b) State the record date, if any, with respect to this solicitation. If the right to vote or give consent is not to be determined,
in whole or in part, by reference to a record date, indicate the criteria for the determination of security holders entitled
to vote or give consent.
(c) If action is to be taken with respect to the election of directors and if the persons solicited have cumulative voting rights:
(1) Make a statement that they have such rights, (2) briefly describe such rights, (3) state briefly the conditions precedent
to the exercise thereof, and (4) if discretionary authority to cumulate votes is solicited, so indicate.
(d) Furnish the information required by Item 403 of Regulation S-K (§229.403 of this chapter) to the extent known by the
persons on whose behalf the solicitation is made.
(e) If, to the knowledge of the persons on whose behalf the solicitation is made, a change in control of the registrant has
occurred since the beginning of its last fiscal year, state the name of the person(s) who acquired such control, the amount
and the source of the consideration used by such person or persons; the basis of the control, the date and a description
of the transaction(s) which resulted in the change of control and the percentage of voting securities of the registrant
now beneficially owned directly or indirectly by the person(s) who acquired control; and the identity of the person(s)
from whom control was assumed. If the source of all or any part of the consideration used is a loan made in the ordinary
course of business by a bank as defined by section 3(a)(6) of the Act, the identity of such bank shall be omitted provided
a request for confidentiality has been made pursuant to section 13(d)(1)(B) of the Act by the person(s) who acquired
control. In lieu thereof, the material shall indicate that the identity of the bank has been so omitted and filed separately
with the Commission.

State the terms of any loans or pledges obtained by the new control group for the purposes of acquiring control,
and the names of the lenders or pledgees.


Any arrangements or understandings among members of both the former and new control groups and their
associates with respect to election of directors or other matters should be described.

Item 7. Directors and Executive Officers
If action is to be taken with respect to the election of directors, furnish the following information in tabular form to the extent
practicable. If, however, the solicitation is made on behalf of persons other than the registrant, the information required need be
furnished only as to nominees of the persons making the solicitation.
(a) The information required by Instruction 4 to Item 103 of Regulation S-K (§229.103 of this chapter) with respect to directors
and executive officers.
(b) The information required by Items 401, 404(a) and (c), and 405 of Regulation S-K (§229.401, §229.404 and §229.405 of
this chapter).
(c) The information required by Item 404(b) of Regulation S-K (§229.404 of this chapter).
(d) (1) State whether or not the registrant has standing audit, nominating and compensation committees of the Board of
Directors, or committees performing similar functions. If the registrant has such committees, however designated,
identify each committee member, state the number of committee meetings held by each such committee during the
last fiscal year and describe briefly the functions performed by such committees. Such disclosure need not be
provided to the extent it is duplicative of disclosure provided in accordance with Item 401(i) of Regulation S-K
(§229.401(i) of this chapter).

(i) If the registrant does not have a standing nominating committee or committee performing similar functions, state
the basis for the view of the board of directors that it is appropriate for the registrant not to have such a committee
and identify each director who participates in the consideration of director nominees;


(ii) Provide the following information regarding the registrant’s director nomination process:
(A) If the nominating committee has a charter, disclose whether a current copy of the charter is available to
security holders on the registrant’s website. If the nominating committee has a charter and a current copy of
the charter is available to security holders on the registrant’s website, provide the registrant’s website
address. If the nominating committee has a charter and a current copy of the charter is not available to
security holders on the registrant’s website, include a copy of the charter as an appendix to the registrant’s
proxy statement at least once every three fiscal years. If a current copy of the charter is not available to
security holders on the registrant’s website, and is not included as an appendix to the registrant’s proxy
statement, identify in which of the prior fiscal years the charter was so included in satisfaction of this
(B) If the nominating committee does not have a charter, state that fact;
(C) If the registrant is a listed issuer (as defined in §240.10A-3) whose securities are listed on a national
securities exchange registered pursuant to section 6(a) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78f(a)) or in an automated interdealer quotation system of a national securities association registered pursuant to section 15A(a) of the Act
(15 U.S.C. 78o-3(a)) that has independence requirements for nominating committee members, disclose
whether the members of the nominating committee are independent, as independence for nominating
committee members is defined in the listing standards applicable to the listed issuer;
(D) If the registrant is not a listed issuer (as defined in §240.10A-3), disclose whether each of the members of
the nominating committee is independent. In determining whether a member is independent, the registrant
must use a definition of independence of a national securities exchange registered pursuant to section 6(a)
of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78f(a)) or a national securities association registered pursuant to section 15A(a) of the
Act (15 U.S.C. 78o-3(a)) that has been approved by the Commission (as that definition may be modified or
supplemented), and state which definition it used. Whatever definition the registrant chooses, it must apply
that definition consistently to all members of the nominating committee and use the independence standards
of the same national securities exchange or national securities association for purposes of nominating
committee disclosure under this requirement and audit committee disclosure required under paragraph
(d)(3)(iv) of Item 7 of Schedule 14A (§240.14a-101);
(E) If the nominating committee has a policy with regard to the consideration of any director candidates
recommended by security holders, provide a description of the material elements of that policy, which shall
include, but need not be limited to, a statement as to whether the committee will consider director candidates
recommended by security holders;
(F) If the nominating committee does not have a policy with regard to the consideration of any director
candidates recommended by security holders, state that fact and state the basis for the view of the board of
directors that it is appropriate for the registrant not to have such a policy;
(G) If the nominating committee will consider candidates recommended by security holders, describe the
procedures to be followed by security holders in submitting such recommendations;
(H) Describe any specific, minimum qualifications that the nominating committee believes must be met by a
nominating committee-recommended nominee for a position on the registrant’s board of directors, and
describe any specific qualities or skills that the nominating committee believes are necessary for one or more
of the registrant’s directors to possess;
(I) Describe the nominating committee’s process for identifying and evaluating nominees for director,
including nominees recommended by security holders, and any differences in the manner in which the
nominating committee evaluates nominees for director based on whether the nominee is recommended by a
security holder;
(J) With regard to each nominee approved by the nominating committee for inclusion on the registrant’s
proxy card (other than nominees who are executive officers or who are directors standing for re-election),
state which one or more of the following categories of persons or entities recommended that nominee:
security holder, non-management director, chief executive officer, other executive officer, third-party search
firm, or other, specified source. With regard to each such nominee approved by a nominating committee of
an investment company, state which one or more of the following additional categories of persons or entities
recommended that nominee: security holder, director, chief executive officer, other executive officer, or
employee of the investment company’s investment adviser, principal underwriter, or any affiliated person of
he investment adviser or principal underwriter;
(K) If the registrant pays a fee to any third party or parties to identify or evaluate or assist in identifying or
evaluating potential nominees, disclose the function performed by each such third party; and
(L) If the registrant’s nominating committee received, by a date not later than the 120th calendar day before


the date of the registrant’s proxy statement released to security holders in connection with the previous
year’s annual meeting, a recommended nominee from a security holder that beneficially owned more than 5%
of the registrant’s voting common stock for at least one year as of the date the recommendation was made,
or from a group of security holders that beneficially owned, in the aggregate, more than 5% of the
registrant’s voting common stock, with each of the securities used to calculate that ownership held for at
least one year as of the date the recommendation was made, identify the candidate and the security holder
or security holder group that recommended the candidate and disclose whether the nominating committee
chose to nominate the candidate, provided, however, that no such identification or disclosure is required
without the written consent of both the security holder or security holder group and the candidate to be so
Instructions to paragraph (d)(2)(ii)(L):
1. For purposes of Item 7(d)(2)(ii)(L), the percentage of securities held by a nominating security holder may be determined
using information set forth in the registrant’s most recent quarterly or annual report, and any current report subsequent
thereto, filed with the Commission pursuant to this Act (or, in the case of a registrant that is an investment company registered
under the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant’s most recent report on Form N-CSR (§§249.331 and 274.128)),
unless the party relying on such report knows or has reason to believe that the information contained therein is inaccurate.
2. For purposes of the registrant’s obligation to provide the disclosure specified in Item 7(d)(2)(ii)(L), where the date of the
annual meeting has been changed by more than 30 days from the date of the previous year’s meeting, the obligation under
that Item will arise where the registrant receives the security holder recommendation a reasonable time before the registrant
begins to print and mail its proxy materials.
3. For purposes of Item 7(d)(2)(ii)(L), the percentage of securities held by a recommending security holder, as well as the
holding period of those securities, may be determined by the registrant if the security holder is the registered holder of the
securities. If the security holder is not the registered owner of the securities, he or she can submit one of the following to the
registrant to evidence the required ownership percentage and holding period:
A. A written statement from the “record” holder of the securities (usually a broker or bank) verifying that, at the time
the security holder made the recommendation, he or she had held the required securities for at least one year; or
B. If the security holder has filed a Schedule 13D (§240.13d-101), Schedule 13G (§240.13d-102), Form 3 (§249.103),
Form 4 (§249.104), and/or Form 5 (§249.105), or amendments to those documents or updated forms, reflecting
ownership of the securities as of or before the date of the recommendation, a copy of the schedule and/or form, and
any subsequent amendments reporting a change in ownership level, as well as a written statement that the security
holder continuously held the securities for the one-year period as of the date of the recommendation.
4. For purposes of the registrant’s obligation to provide the disclosure specified in Item 7(d)(2)(ii)(L), the security holder or
group must have provided to the registrant, at the time of the recommendation, the written consent of all parties to be identified and, where the security holder or group members are not registered holders, proof that the security holder or group
satisfied the required ownership percentage and holding period as of the date of the recommendation.
Instruction to paragraph (d)(2)(ii): For purposes of Item 7(d)(2)(ii), the term “nominating committee” refers not only to
nominating committees and committees performing similar functions, but also to groups of directors fulfilling the role of a
nominating committee, including the entire board of directors.

If the registrant has an audit committee:

Provide the information required by Item 306 of Regulation S-K (17 CFR 229.306).


State whether the registrant’s Board of Directors has adopted a written charter for the audit committee.

(iii) Include a copy of the written charter, if any, as an appendix to the registrant’s proxy statement, unless a copy
has been included as an appendix to the registrant’s proxy statement within the registrant’s past three fiscal
(iv) (A) If the registrant is a listed issuer, as defined in § 240.10A-3:

Disclose whether the members of the audit committee are independent, as independence for audit
committee members is defined in the listing standards applicable to the listed issuer. If the
registrant does not have a separately designated audit committee, or committee performing similar
functions, the registrant must provide the disclosure with respect to all members of its board of




If the listed issuer’s board of directors determines, in accordance with the listing standards
applicable to the listed issuer, to appoint a director to the audit committee who is not independent
(apart from the requirements in § 240.10A-3) because of exceptional or limited or similar
circumstances, disclose the nature of the relationship that makes that individual not independent
and the reasons for the board of directors’ determination.

If the registrant, including a small business issuer, is not a listed issuer, disclose whether the registrant
has an audit committee established in accordance with section 3(a)(58)(A) of the Act (15 U.S.C.
78c(a)(58)(A)) and, if so, whether the members of the committee are independent. In determining whether
a member is independent, the registrant must use a definition for audit committee member independence
of a national securities exchange registered pursuant to section 6(a) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78f(a)) or a
national securities association registered pursuant to section 15A(a) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78o-3(a)) that
has been approved by the Commission (as such definition may be modified or supplemented), and state
which definition was used. Whichever definition is chosen must be applied consistently to all members
of the audit committee.

The information required by paragraph (d)(3) of this Item shall not be deemed to be “soliciting material,” or
to be “filed” with the Commission or subject to Regulation 14A or 14C (17 CFR 240.14a-1 et seq. or 240.14c1 et seq.), other than as provided in this Item, or to the liabilities of section 18 of the Exchange Act (15 U.S.C.
§ 78r), except to the extent that the registrant specifically requests that the information be treated as soliciting
material or specifically incorporates it by reference into a document filed under the Securities Act or the
Exchange Act. Such information will not be deemed to be incorporated by reference into any filing under the
Securities Act or the Exchange Act, except to the extent that the registrant specifically incorporates it by

(vi) The disclosure required by this paragraph (d)(3) need only be provided one time during any fiscal year.*
(vii) Investment companies registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. § 80a-1 et seq.), other
than closed-end investment companies, need not provide the information required by this paragraph (d)(3).
(e) In lieu of paragraphs (a) through (d)(1) and (d)(2)(ii)(D) of this Item, investment companies registered under the
Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a) must furnish the information required by Item 22(b) of this Schedule
(f) State the total number of meetings of the board of directors (including regularly scheduled and special meetings) which
were held during the last full fiscal year. Name each incumbent director who during the last full fiscal year attended fewer
then 75 percent of the aggregate of (1) the total number of meetings of the board of directors (held during the period for
which he has been a director) and (2) the total number of meetings held by all committees of the board on which he served
(during the periods that he served).
(g) If a director has resigned or declined to stand for re-election to the board of directors since the date of the last annual
meeting of security holders because of a disagreement with the registrant on any matter relating to the registrant’s
operations, policies or practices, and if the director has furnished the registrant with a letter describing such disagreement
and requesting that the matter be disclosed, the registrant shall state the date of resignation or declination to stand for
reelection and summarize the director’s description of the disagreement.
If the registrant believes that the description provided by the director is incorrect or incomplete, it may include a brief
statement presenting its views of the disagreement.
(h)(1) State whether or not the registrant’s board of directors provides a process for security holders to send communications to the board of directors and, if the registrant does not have such a process for security holders to
send communications to the board of directors, state the basis for the view of the board of directors that it is
appropriate for the registrant not to have such a process;


(2) If the registrant has a process for security holders to send communications to the board of directors:
(i) Describe the manner in which security holders can send communications to the board and, if applicable,
to specified individual directors; and
(ii) If all security holder communications are not sent directly to board members, describe the registrant’s
process for determining which communications will be relayed to board members; and
Instruction to paragraph (h)(2)(ii): For purposes of the disclosure required by this paragraph, a registrant’s process for
collecting and organizing security holder communications, as well as similar or related activities, need not be disclosed
provided that the registrant’s process is approved by a majority of the independent directors or, in the case of a registrant that
is an investment company, a majority of the directors who are not “interested persons” of the investment company as defined
in section 2(a)(19) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)(19)).
(3) Describe the registrant’s policy, if any, with regard to board members’ attendance at annual meetings and state
the number of board members who attended the prior year’s annual meeting.
Instruction to paragraphs (h)(2) and (h)(3): In lieu of providing the information required by paragraphs (h)(2) and (h)(3) in
the proxy statement, the registrant may instead provide the registrant’s website address where such information appears.
Instructions to paragraph (h):
1. For purposes of this paragraph, communications from an officer or director of the registrant will not be viewed as “security
holder communications.” Communications from an employee or agent of the registrant will be viewed as “security holder
communications” for purposes of this paragraph only if those communications are made solely in such employee’s or agent’s
capacity as a security holder.
2. For purposes of this paragraph, security holder proposals submitted pursuant to §240.14a-8, and communications made in
connection with such proposals, will not be viewed as “security holder communications.”
Item 8. Compensation of Directors and Executive Officers
Furnish the information required by Item 402 (§ 229.402 of this chapter) of Regulation S-K if action is to be taken with regard
(a) the election of directors;
(b) any bonus, profit sharing or other compensation plan, contract or arrangement in which any director, nominee for election
as a director, or executive officer of the registrant will participate;
(c) any pension or retirement plan in which any such person will participate; or
(d) the granting or extension to any such person of any options, warrants or rights to purchase any securities, other than
warrants or rights issued to security holders as such, on a pro rata basis.
However, if the solicitation is made on behalf of persons other than the registrant, the information required need be furnished only
as to nominees of the persons making the solicitation and associates of such nominees. In the case of investment companies
registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 and registrants that have elected to be regulated as business development
companies, furnish the information required by Item 22(b)(13) of this Schedule.
Instruction. If an otherwise reportable compensation plan became subject to such requirements because of an acquisition or
merger and, within one year of the acquisition or merger, such plan was terminated for purposes of prospective eligibility, the
registrant may furnish a description of its obligation to the designated individuals pursuant to the compensation plan. Such
description may be furnished in lieu of a description of the compensation plan in the proxy statement.
Item 9. Independent Public Accountants
If the solicitation is made on behalf of the registrant and relates to (1) the annual (or special meeting in lieu of annual) meeting
of security holders at which directors are to be elected, or a solicitation of consents or authorizations in lieu of such meeting or (2)

the election, approval or ratification of the registrant’s accountant, furnish the following information describing the registrant’s
relationship with its independent public accountant:
(a) The name of the principal accountant selected or being recommended to security holders for election, approval or
ratification for the current year. If no accountant has been selected or recommended, so state and briefly describe the
reasons therefor.
(b) The name of the principal accountant for the fiscal year most recently completed if different from the accountant selected
or recommended for the current year or if no accountant has yet been selected or recommended for the current year.
(c) The proxy statement shall indicate (1) whether or not representatives of the principal accountant for the current year and
for the most recently completed fiscal year are expected to be present at the security holders’ meeting, (2) whether or
not they will have the opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do so and (3) whether or not such representatives
are expected to be available to respond to appropriate questions.
(d) If during the registrant’s two most recent fiscal years or any subsequent interim period, (1) an independent accountant
who was previously engaged as the principal accountant to audit the registrant’s financial statements, or an independent
accountant on whom the principal accountant expressed reliance in its report regarding a significant subsidiary, has
resigned (or indicated it has declined to stand for reelection after the completion of the current audit) or was dismissed,
or (2) a new independent accountant has been engaged as either the principal accountant to audit the registrant’s financial
statements or as an independent accountant on whom the principal accountant has expressed or is expected to express
reliance in its report regarding a significant subsidiary, then, notwithstanding any previous disclosure, provide the
information required by Item 304(a) of Regulation S-K (§229.304 of this chapter).
(e) (1) Disclose, under the caption Audit Fees, the aggregate fees billed for each of the last two fiscal years for professional
services rendered by the principal accountant for the audit of the registrant’s annual financial statements and review
of financial statements included in the registrant’s Form 10-Q (17 CFR 249.308a) or 10-QSB (17 CFR 249.308b) or
services that are normally provided by the accountant in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or
engagements for those fiscal years.

Disclose, under the caption Audit-Related Fees, the aggregate fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for
assurance and related services by the principal accountant that are reasonably related to the performance of the
audit or review of the registrant’s financial statements and are not reported under paragraph (e)(1) of this section.
Registrants shall describe the nature of the services comprising the fees disclosed under this category.


Disclose, under the caption Tax Fees, the aggregate fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for professional
services rendered by the principal accountant for tax compliance, tax advice, and tax planning. Registrants shall
describe the nature of the services comprising the fees disclosed under this category.


Disclose, under the caption All Other Fees, the aggregate fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for products
and services provided by the principal accountant, other than the services reported in paragraphs (e)(1) through
(e)(3) of this section. Registrants shall describe the nature of the services comprising the fees disclosed under this


(i) Disclose the audit committee’s pre-approval policies and procedures described in 17 CFR 210.2-01(c)(7)(i).
(ii) Disclose the percentage of services described in each of paragraphs (e)(2) through (e)(4) of this section that
were approved by the audit committee pursuant to 17 CFR 210.2-01(c)(7)(i)(C).


If greater than 50 percent, disclose the percentage of hours expended on the principal accountant’s engage
ment to audit the registrant’s financial statements for the most recent fiscal year that were attributed to work
performed by persons other than the principal accountant’s full-time, permanent employees.


If the registrant is an investment company, disclose the aggregate non-audit fees billed by the registrant’s
accountant for services rendered to the registrant, and to the registrant’s investment adviser (not including any


subadviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another
investment adviser), and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the adviser that
provides ongoing services to the registrant for each of the last two fiscal years of the registrant.

If the registrant is an investment company, disclose whether the audit committee of the board of directors has
considered whether the provision of non-audit services that were rendered to the registrant’s investment
adviser (not including any subadviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with
or overseen by another investment adviser), and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control
with the investment adviser that provides ongoing services to the registrant that were not pre-approved
pursuant to 17 CFR 210.2-01(c)(7)(ii) is compatible with maintaining the principal accountant’s independence.
Instruction to Item 9(e).
For purposes of Item 9(e)(2), (3), and (4), registrants that are investment companies must disclose fees billed for services
rendered to the registrant and separately, disclose fees required to be approved by the investment company registrant’s audit
committee pursuant to 17 CFR 210.2-01(c)(7)(ii). Registered investment companies must also disclose the fee percentages as
required by item 9(e)(5)(ii) for the registrant and separately, disclose the fee percentages as required by item 9(e)(5)(ii) for the
fees required to be approved by the investment company registrant’s audit committee pursuant to 17 CFR 210.2-01(c)(7)(ii).
Item 10. Compensation Plans
If action is to be taken with respect to any plan pursuant to which cash or noncash compensation may be paid or distributed,
furnish the following information:
(a) Plans Subject to Securityholder Action.

Describe briefly the material features of the plan being acted upon, identify each class of persons who will be eligible
to participate therein, indicate the approximate number of persons in each such class and state the basis of such



In the tabular format specified below, disclose the benefits or amounts that will be received by or allocated
to each of the following under the plan being acted upon, if such benefits or amounts are determinable:
Plan Name
Name and Position

Dollar Value ($)

Number of Units

Executive Group
Non-Executive Director
Non-Executive Officer
Employee Group

The table required by paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this Item shall provide information as to the following persons:


(A) Each person (stating name and position) specified in paragraph (a) (3) of Item 402 of Regulation S-K
(§ 229.402(a)(3) of this chapter);
Instruction. In the case of investment companies registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940,
furnish the information for Compensated Persons as defined in Item 22(b)(13) of this Schedule in lieu
of the persons specified in paragraph (a)(3) of Item 402 of Regulation S-K (§229.402(a)(3) of this chapter).

All current executive officers as a group;


All current directors who are not executive officers as a group; and

(D) All employees, including all current officers who are not executive officers, as a group.
Instruction to New Plan Benefits Table. Additional columns should be added for each plan with respect to which
security holder action is to be taken.
(iii) If the benefits or amounts specified in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this Item are not determinable, state the benefits
or amounts which would have been received by or allocated to each of the following for the last completed
fiscal year if the plan had been in effect, if such benefits or amounts may be determined in the table specified
in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this Item:
(A) Each person (stating name and position) specified in paragraph (a) (3) of Item 402 of Regulation S-K
(§ 229.402(a)(3) of this chapter);

All current executive officers as a group;


All current directors who are not executive officers as a group; and

(D) All employees, including all current officers who are not executive officers, as a group.

If the plan to be acted upon can be amended, otherwise than by a vote of security holders, to increase the cost thereof
to the registrant or to alter the allocation of the benefits as between the persons and groups specified in paragraph
(a)(2) of this item, state the nature of the amendments which can be so made.
(b) Additional Information Regarding Specific Plans Subject to Security Holder Action.

With respect to any pension or retirement plan submitted for security holder action, state:

The approximate total amount necessary to fund the plan with respect to past services, the period over which
such amount is to be paid and the estimated annual payments necessary to pay the total amount over such
period; and


The estimated annual payment to be made with respect to current services. In the case of a pension or
retirement plan, information called for by paragraph (a)(2) of this Item may be furnished in the format specified
by paragraph (f)(1) of Item 402 of Regulation S-K (§ 229.402(f)(1) of this chapter).

Instruction. In the case of investment companies registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, refer to
instruction 4 if Item 22(b)(13)(i) of this Schedule in lieu of paragraph (f)(1) of Item 402 of Regulation S-K
(§229.402(f)(1) of this chapter).


With respect to any specific grant of or any plan containing options, warrants or rights submitted for security
holder action, state:
(A) The title and amount of securities underlying such options, warrants or rights;

The prices, expiration dates and other material conditions upon which the options, warrants or rights
may be exercised;


The consideration received or to be received by the registrant or subsidiary for the granting or extension

of the options, warrants or rights;
(D) The market value of the securities underlying the options, warrants, or rights as of the latest practicable
date; and


In the case of options, the federal income tax consequences of the issuance and exercise of such options
to the recipient and the registrant; and

State separately the amount of such options received or to be received by the following persons if such
benefits or amounts are determinable:
(A) Each person (stating name and position) specified in paragraph (a)(3) of Item 402 of Regulation S-K
(§ 229.402(a)(3) of this chapter);

All current executive officers as a group;


All current directors who are not executive officers as a group;

(D) Each nominee for election as a director;



Each associate of any of such directors, executive officers or nominees;


Each other person who received or is to receive 5 percent of such options, warrants or rights; and


All employees, including all current officers who are not executive officers, as a group.

Information regarding plans and other arrangements not subject to security holder action. Furnish the information
required by Item 201(d) of Regulation S-K (§229.201(d) of this chapter).

Instructions to paragraph (c).
1. If action is to be taken as described in paragraph (a) of this Item with respect to the approval of a new compensation plan
under which equity securities of the registrant are authorized for issuance, information about the plan shall be disclosed as
required under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Item and shall not be included in the disclosure required by Item 201(d) of
Regulation S-K (§229.201(d) of this chapter). If action is to be taken as described in paragraph (a) of this Item with respect to
the amendment or modification of an existing plan under which equity securities of the registrant are authorized for issuance,
the registrant shall include information about securities previously authorized for issuance under the plan (including any
outstanding options, warrants and rights previously granted pursuant to the plan and any securities remaining available for
future issuance under the plan) in the disclosure required by Item 201(d) of Regulation S-K (§229.201(d) of this chapter). Any
additional securities that are the subject of the amendments or modification of the existing plan shall be disclosed as required
under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Item and shall not be included in the Item 201(d) disclosure.

The term “plan” as used in this Item means any plan as defined in paragraph (a)(7)(ii) of Item 402 of Regulation S-K
(§229.402(a)(7)(ii) of this chapter).
If action is to be taken with respect to a material amendment or modification of an existing plan, the item shall be answered
with respect to the plan as proposed to be amended or modified and shall indicate any material differences from the existing


If the plan to be acted upon is set forth in a written document, three copies thereof shall be filed with the Commission at the
time copies of the proxy statement and form of proxy are first filed pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b) of §240.14a-6. Electronic
filers shall file with the Commission a copy of such written plan document in electronic format as an appendix to the proxy
statement. It need not be provided to security holders unless it is a part of the proxy statement.


Paragraph (b)(2)(ii) does not apply to warrants or rights to be issued to security holders as such on a pro rata basis.



The Commission should be informed, as supplemental information, when the proxy statement is first filed, as to when the
options, warrants or rights and the shares called for thereby will be registered under the Securities Act or, if such registration
is not contemplated, the section of the Securities Act or rule of the Commission under which exemption from such registration
is claimed and the facts relied upon to make the exemption available.

Item 11. Authorization or Issuance of Securities Otherwise than for Exchange
If action is to be taken with respect to the authorization or issuance of any securities otherwise than for exchange for
outstanding securities of the registrant, furnish the following information:
(a) State the title and amount of securities to be authorized or issued.
(b) Furnish the information required by Item 202 of Regulation S-K (§229.202 of this chapter). If the terms of the securities
cannot be stated or estimated with respect to any or all of the securities to be authorized, because no offering thereof
is contemplated in the proximate future, and if no further authorization by security holders for the issuance thereof is
to be obtained, it should be stated that the terms of the securities to be authorized, including dividend or interest rates,
conversion prices, voting rights, redemption prices, maturity dates, and similar matters will be determined by the board
of directors. If the securities are additional shares of common stock of a class outstanding, the description may be omitted
except for a statement of the preemptive rights, if any. Where the statutory provisions with respect to preemptive rights
are so indefinite or complex that they cannot be stated in summarized form, it will suffice to make a statement in the form
of an opinion of counsel as to the existence and extent of such rights.
(c) Describe briefly the transaction in which the securities are to be issued including a statement as to (1) the nature and
approximate amount of consideration received or to be received by the registrant and (2) the approximate amount devoted
to each purpose so far as determinable for which the net proceeds have been or are to be used. If it is impracticable to
describe the transaction in which the securities are to be issued, state the reason, indicate the purpose of the authorization
of the securities, and state whether further authorization for the issuance of the securities by a vote of security holders
will be solicited prior to such issuance.
(d) If the securities are to be issued otherwise than in a public offering for cash, state the reasons for the proposed
authorization or issuance and the general effect thereof upon the rights of existing security holders.
(e) Furnish the information required by Item 13(a) of this Schedule.
Item 12. Modification or Exchange of Securities
If action is to be taken with respect to the modification of any class of securities of the registrant, or the issuance or
authorization for issuance of securities of the registrant in exchange for outstanding securities of the registrant, furnish the
following information:
(a) If outstanding securities are to be modified, state the title and amount thereof. If securities are to be issued in exchange
for outstanding securities, state the title and amount of securities to be so issued, the title and amount of outstanding
securities to be exchanged therefor and the basis of the exchange.
(b) Describe any material differences between the outstanding securities and the modified or new securities in respect of
any of the matters concerning which information would be required in the description of the securities in Item 202 of
Regulation S-K (§229.202 of this chapter).
(c) State the reasons for the proposed modification or exchange and the general effect thereof upon the rights of existing
security holders.
(d) Furnish a brief statement as to arrears in dividends or as to defaults in principal or interest in respect to the outstanding
securities which are to be modified or exchanged and such other information as may be appropriate in the particular case
to disclose adequately the nature and effect of the proposed action.
(e) Outline briefly any other material features of the proposed modification or exchange. If the plan of proposed action is
set forth in a written document, file copies thereof with the Commission in accordance with §240.14a-8.

(f) Furnish the information required by Item 13(a) of this Schedule.
Instruction. If the existing security is presently listed and registered on a national securities exchange, state whether the registrant
intends to apply for listing and registration of the new or reclassified security on such exchange or any other exchange. If the
registrant does not intend to make such application, state the effect of the termination of such listing and registration.
Item 13. Financial and Other Information
(See Notes D and E at the beginning of this Schedule.)
(a) Information required. If action is to be taken with respect to any matter specified in Items 11 or 12, furnish the following

Financial statements meeting the requirements of Regulation S-X, including financial information required by rule
3-05 and Article 11 of Regulation S-X with respect to transactions other than that pursuant to which action is to
be taken as described in this proxy statement;


Item 302 of Regulation S-K, supplementary financial information;


Item 303 of Regulation S-K, management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations;


Item 304 of Regulation S-K, changes in and disagreements with accountants on accounting and financial disclosure;


Item 305 of Regulation S-K, quantitative and qualitative disclosures about market risk; and


A statement as to whether or not representatives of the principal accountants for the current year and for the most
recently completed fiscal year:

are expected to be present at the security holders’ meeting;


will have the opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do so; and


are expected to be available to respond to appropriate questions.

(b) Incorporation by reference. The information required pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Item may be incorporated by
reference into the proxy statement as follows:

S-3 registrants. If the registrant meets the requirements of Form S-3 (see Note E to this Schedule), it may incorporate
by reference to previously-filed documents any of the information required by paragraph (a) of this Item, provided
that the requirements of paragraph (c) are met. Where the registrant meets the requirements of Form S-3 and has
elected to furnish the required information by incorporation by reference, the registrant may elect to update the
information so incorporated by reference to information in subsequently filed documents.


All registrants. The registrant may incorporate by reference any of the information required by paragraph (a) of
this Item, provided that the information is contained in an annual report to security holders or a previously-filed
statement or report, such report or statement is delivered to security holders with the proxy statement and the
requirements of paragraph (c) are met.

(c) Certain conditions applicable to incorporation by reference. Registrants eligible to incorporate by reference into the
proxy statement the information required by paragraph (a) of this Item in the manner specified by paragraphs (b)(1) and
(b)(2) may do so only if:

the information is not required to be included in the proxy statement pursuant to the requirement of another Item;


the proxy statement identifies on the last page(s) the information incorporated by reference; and


the material incorporated by reference substantially meets the requirements of this Item or the appropriate portions
of this Item.

Instructions to Item 13.

Notwithstanding the provisions of this Item, any or all of the information required by paragraph (a) of this Item, not material
for the exercise of prudent judgment in regard to the matter to be acted upon may be omitted. In the usual case the information
is deemed material to the exercise of prudent judgment where the matter to be acted upon is the authorization or issuance
of a material amount of senior securities, but the information is not deemed material where the matter to be acted upon is the
authorization or issuance of common stock, otherwise than in an exchange, merger, consolidation, acquisition or similar
transaction, the authorization of preferred stock without present intent to issue or the authorization of preferred stock for
issuance for cash in an amount constituting fair value.


In order to facilitate compliance with Rule 2-02(a) of Regulation S-X, one copy of the definitive proxy statement filed with the
Commission shall include a manually signed copy of the accountant’s report. If the financial statements are incorporated by
reference, a manually signed copy of the accountant’s report shall be filed with the definitive proxy statement.


Notwithstanding the provisions of Regulation S-X, no schedules other than those prepared in accordance with Rules 12-15,
12-28 and 12-29 (or, for management investment companies, Rules 12-12 through 12-14) of that regulation need be furnished
in the proxy statement.


Unless registered on a national securities exchange or otherwise required to furnish such information, registered investment
companies need not furnish the information required by paragraphs (a)(2) or (3) of this Item.


If the registrant submits preliminary proxy material incorporating by reference financial statements required by this Item, the
registrant should furnish a draft of the financial statements if the document from which they are incorporated has not been
filed with or furnished to the Commission.


A registered investment company need not comply with Items (a)(2), (a)(3), and (a)(5) of this Item 13.

Item 14. Mergers, Consolidations, Acquisitions and Similar Matters
(See Notes A, D and E at the beginning of this Schedule.)
Instructions to Item 14.
1. In transactions in which the consideration offered to security holders consists wholly or in part of securities
registered under the Securities Act of 1933, furnish the information required by Form S-4 (§239.25 of this chapter),
Form F-4 (§239.34 of this chapter), or Form N-14 (§239.23 of this chapter), as applicable, instead of this Item. Only
a Form S-4, Form F-4, or Form N-14 must be filed in accordance with §240.14a-6(j).
2. (a) In transactions in which the consideration offered to security holders consists wholly of cash, the information
required by paragraph (c)(1) of this Item for the acquiring company need not be provided unless the information is material
to an informed voting decision (e.g., the security holders of the target company are voting and financing is not assured).

Additionally, if only the security holders of the target company are voting:
i. The financial information in paragraphs (b)(8) - (11) of this Item for the acquiring company and the target need
not be provided; and
ii. The information in paragraph (c)(2) of this Item for the target company need not be provided.

If, however, the transaction is a going-private transaction (as defined by §240.13e-3), then the information required by
paragraph (c)(2) of this Item must be provided and to the extent that the going-private rules require the information
specified in paragraph (b)(8) - (b)(11) of this Item, that information must be provided as well.

In transactions in which the consideration offered to security holders consists wholly of securities exempt
from registration under the Securities Act of 1933 or a combination of exempt securities and cash, information
about the acquiring company required by paragraph (c)(1) of this Item need not be provided if only the
security holders of the acquiring company are voting, unless the information is material to an informed voting


decision. If only the security holders of the target company are voting, information about the target company
in paragraph (c)(2) of this Item need not be provided. However, the information required by paragraph (c)(2) of
this Item must be provided if the transaction is a going-private (as defined by § 240.13e-3) or roll-up (as
described by Item 901 of Regulation S-K (§ 229.901 of this chapter)) transaction.

The information required by paragraphs (b)(8) - (11) and (c) need not be provided if the plan being voted on
involves only the acquiring company and one or more of its totally held subsidiaries and does not involve a
liquidation or a spin-off.


To facilitate compliance with Rule 2-02(a) of Regulation S-X (§210.2-02(a) of this chapter) (technical requirements relating to accountants’ reports), one copy of the definitive proxy statement filed with the Commission
must include a signed copy of the accountant’s report. If the financial statements are incorporated by reference, a signed copy of the accountant’s report must be filed with the definitive proxy statement. Signatures
may be typed if the document is filed electronically on EDGAR. See Rule 302 of Regulation S-T (§232.302 of
this chapter).


Notwithstanding the provisions of Regulation S-X, no schedules other than those prepared in accordance
with §210.12-15, §210.12-28 and §210.12-29 of this chapter (or, for management investment companies,
§§210.12-12 through 210.12-14 of this chapter) of that regulation need be furnished in the proxy statement.


If the preliminary proxy material incorporates by reference financial statements required by this Item, a draft of
the financial statements must be furnished to the Commission staff upon request if the document from which
they are incorporated has not been filed with or furnished to the Commission.

(a). Applicability. If action is to be taken with respect to any of the following transactions, provide the information
required by this Item:

A merger or consolidation;
An acquisition of securities of another person;
An acquisition of any other going business or the assets of a going business;
A sale or other transfer of all or any substantial part of assets; or
A liquidation or dissolution.

Transaction information. Provide the following information for each of the parties to the transaction unless
otherwise specified:
(1). Summary term sheet. The information required by Item 1001 of Regulation M-A (§229.1001 of this
(2). Contact information. The name, complete mailing address and telephone number of the principal
executive offices.
(3). Business conducted. A brief description of the general nature of the business conducted.
(4). Terms of the transaction. The information required by Item 1004(a)(2) of Regulation M-A (§229.1004
of this chapter).
(5). Regulatory approvals. A statement as to whether any federal or state regulatory requirements must be
complied with or approval must be obtained in connection with the transaction and, if so, the status
of the compliance or approval.
(6). Reports, opinions, appraisals. If a report, opinion or appraisal materially relating to the transaction has
been received from an outside party, and is referred to in the proxy statement, furnish the information
required by Item 1015(b) of Regulation M-A (§229.1015 of this chapter).
(7). Past contacts, transactions or negotiations. The information required by Items 1005(b) and 1011(a)(1)
of Regulation M-A (§229.1005 of this chapter and §229.1011 of this chapter), for the parties to the
transaction and their affiliates during the periods for which financial statements are presented or
incorporated by reference under this Item.
(8). Selected financial data. The selected financial data required by Item 301 of Regulation S-K (§229.301
of this chapter).
(9). Pro forma selected financial data. If material, the information required by Item 301 of Regulation S-K
(§229.301 of this chapter) for the acquiring company, showing the pro forma effect of the transaction.
(10). Pro forma information. In a table designed to facilitate comparison, historical and pro forma per share

data of the acquiring company and historical and equivalent pro forma per share data of the target
company for the following Items:

Book value per share as of the date financial data is presented pursuant to Item 301 of Regulation
S-K (§229.301 of this chapter);
(ii) Cash dividends declared per share for the periods for which financial data is presented pursuant
to Item 301 of Regulation S-K (§229.301 of this chapter); and
(iii) Income (loss) per share from continuing operations for the periods for which financial data is
presented pursuant to Item 301 of Regulation S-K (§229.301 of this chapter).
Instructions to paragraphs (b)(8), (b)(9) and (b)(10):

For a business combination accounted for as a purchase, present the financial information required by paragraphs (b)(9) and
(b)(10) only for the most recent fiscal year and interim period. For a business combination accounted for as a pooling, present
the financial information required by paragraphs (b)(9) and (b)(10) (except for information with regard to book value) for the
most recent three fiscal years and interim period. For purposes of these paragraphs, book value information need only be
provided for the most recent balance sheet date.


Calculate the equivalent pro forma per share amounts for one share of the company being acquired by multiplying the exchange
ratio times each of:
(i) The pro forma income (loss) per share before non-recurring charges or credits directly attributable to the transaction;
(ii) The pro forma book value per share; and
(iii) The pro forma dividends per share of the acquiring company.


Unless registered on a national securities exchange or otherwise required to furnish such information, registered investment
companies need not furnish the information required by paragraphs (b)(8) and (b)(9) of this Item.

Financial information. If material, financial information required by Article 11 of Regulation S-X
(§§210.10-01 through 229.11-03 of this chapter) with respect to this transaction.

Instructions to paragraph (b)(11):


Present any Article 11 information required with respect to transactions other than those being voted upon (where not
incorporated by reference) together with the pro forma information relating to the transaction being voted upon. In presenting
this information, you must clearly distinguish between the transaction being voted upon and any other transaction.
If current pro forma financial information with respect to all other transactions is incorporated by reference, you need only
present the pro forma effect of this transaction.
(c). Information about the parties to the transaction.
(1) Acquiring company. Furnish the information required by Part B (Registrant Information) of Form S-4 (§239.25
of this chapter) or Form F-4 (§239.34 of this chapter), as applicable, for the acquiring company. However,
financial statements need only be presented for the latest two fiscal years and interim periods.
(2) Acquired company. Furnish the information required by Part C (Information with Respect to the Company
Being Acquired) of Form S-4 (§239.25 of this chapter) or Form F-4 (§239.34 of this chapter), as applicable.

Information about parties to the transaction: registered investment companies and business development

If the acquiring company or the acquired company is an investment company registered under the Investment Company Act
of 1940 or a business development company as defined by Section 2(a)(48) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, provide
the following information for that company instead of the information specified by paragraph (c) of this Item:

Information required by Item 101 of Regulation S-K (§229.101 of this chapter), description of business;


Information required by Item 102 of Regulation S-K (§229.102 of this chapter), description of property;


Information required by Item 103 of Regulation S-K (§229.103 of this chapter), legal proceedings;


Information required by Item 201 of Regulation S-K (§229.201 of this chapter), market price of and dividends
on the registrant’s common equity and related stockholder matters;


Financial statements meeting the requirements of Regulation S-X, including financial information required
by Rule 3-05 and Article 11 of Regulation S-X (§210.3-05 and §210.11-01 through §210.11-03 of this chapter)
with respect to transactions other than that as to which action is to be taken as described in this proxy


Information required by Item 301 of Regulation S-K (§229.301 of this chapter), selected financial data;


Information required by Item 302 of Regulation S-K (§229.302 of this chapter), supplementary financial


Information required by Item 303 of Regulation S-K (§229.303 of this chapter), management’s discussion and
analysis of financial condition and results of operations; and


Information required by Item 304 of Regulation S-K (§229.304 of this chapter), changes in and disagreements
with accountants on accounting and financial disclosure.

Instruction to paragraph (d) of Item 14:
Unless registered on a national securities exchange or otherwise required to furnish such information, registered investment
companies need not furnish the information required by paragraphs (d)(6), (d)(7) and (d)(8) of this Item.

Incorporation by reference.


The information required by paragraph (c) of this section may be incorporated by reference into the proxy
statement to the same extent as would be permitted by Form S-4 (§239.25 of this chapter) or Form F-4 (§239.34
of this chapter), as applicable.


Alternatively, the registrant may incorporate by reference into the proxy statement the information required
by paragraph (c) of this Item if it is contained in an annual report sent to security holders in accordance with
§240.14a-3 of this chapter with respect to the same meeting or solicitation of consents or authorizations that
the proxy statement relates to and the information substantially meets the disclosure requirements of Item
14 or Item 17 of Form S-4 (§239.25 of this chapter) or Form F-4 (§239.34 of this chapter), as applicable.

Item 15. Acquisition or Disposition of Property
If action is to be taken with respect to the acquisition or disposition of any property, furnish the following information:
(a) Describe briefly the general character and location of the property.
(b) State the nature and amount of consideration to be paid or received by the registrant or any subsidiary. To the extent
practicable, outline briefly the facts bearing upon the question of the fairness of the consideration.
(c) State the name and address of the transferer or transferee, as the case may be and the nature of any material relationship
of such person to the registrant or any affiliate of the registrant.
(d) Outline briefly any other material features of the contract or transaction.


Item 16. Restatement of Accounts
If action is to be taken with respect to the restatement of any asset, capital, or surplus account of the registrant, furnish the
following information:
(a) State the nature of the restatement and the date as of which it is to be effective.
(b) Outline briefly the reasons for the restatement and for the selection of the particular effective date.
(c) State the name and amount of each account (including any reserve accounts) affected by the restatement and the effect
of the restatement thereon. Tabular presentation of the amounts shall be made when appropriate, particularly in the case
of recapitalizations.
(d) To the extent practicable, state whether and the extent, if any, to which the restatement will, as of the date thereof, alter
the amount available for distribution to the holders of equity securities.
Item 17. Action with Respect to Reports
If action is to be taken with respect to any report of the registrant or of its directors, officers or committees or any minutes of
a meeting of its security holders furnish the following information:
(a) State whether or not such action is to constitute approval or disapproval of any of the matters referred to in such reports
or minutes.
(b) Identify each of such matters which it is intended will be approved or disapproved, and furnish the information required
by the appropriate item or items of this schedule with respect to each such matter.
Item 18. Matters Not Required to Be Submitted
If action is to be taken with respect to any matter which is not required to be submitted to a vote of security holders, state the
nature of such matter, the reasons for submitting it to a vote of security holders and what action is intended to be taken by the
registrant in the event of a negative vote on the matter by the security holders.
Item 19. Amendment of Charter, Bylaws or Other Documents
If action is to be taken with respect to any amendment of the registrant’s charter, bylaws or other documents as to which
information is not required above, state briefly the reasons for and the general effect of such amendment.

Where the matter to be acted upon is the classification of directors, state whether vacancies which occur during the year may
be filled by the board of directors to serve only until the next annual meeting or may be so filled for the remainder of the full


Attention is directed to the discussion of disclosure regarding anti-takeover and similar proposals in Release No. 34-15230
(October 13, 1978).

Item 20. Other Proposed Action
If action is to be taken on any matter not specifically referred to in this Schedule 14A, describe briefly the substance of each
such matter in substantially the same degree of detail as is required by Items 5 to 19, inclusive, of this Schedule, and, with respect
to investment companies registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, Item 22 of this Schedule.
Item 21. Voting procedures
As to each matter which is to be submitted to a vote of security holders, furnish the following information:
(a) State the vote required for approval or election, other than for the approval of auditors.


(b) Disclose the method by which votes will be counted, including the treatment and effect of abstentions and broker nonvotes under applicable state law as well as registrant charter and by-law provisions.
Item 22. Information required in investment company proxy statement.
(a) General

Definitions. Unless the context otherwise requires, terms used in this Item that are defined in § 240.14a-1 (with
respect to proxy soliciting material), in § 240.14c-1 (with respect to information statements), and in the Investment
Company Act of 1940 shall have the same meanings provided therein and the following terms shall also apply:
(i) Administrator. The term “Administrator” shall mean any person who provides significant administrative or
business affairs management services to a Fund.
(ii) Affiliated Broker. The term “Affiliated Broker” shall mean any broker:
(A) That is an affiliated person of the Fund;
(B) That is an affiliated person of such person; or
(C) An affiliated person of which is an affiliated person of the Fund, its investment adviser, principal
underwriter, or Administrator.
(iii) Distribution Plan. The term “Distribution Plan” shall mean a plan adopted pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under
the Investment Company Act of 1940 (§ 270.12b-1 of this chapter).
(iv) Family of Investment Companies. The term “Family of Investment Companies” shall mean any two or more
registered investment companies that:
(A) Share the same investment adviser or principal underwriter; and


Hold themselves out to investors as related companies for purposes of investment and investor

Fund. The term “Fund” shall mean a Registrant or, where the Registrant is a series company, a separate
portfolio of the Registrant.

(vi) Fund Complex. The term “Fund Complex” shall mean two or more Funds that:
(A) Hold themselves out to investors as related companies for purposes of investment and investor
services; or

Have a common investment adviser or have an investment adviser that is an affiliated person of the
investment adviser of any of the other Funds.

(vii) Immediate Family Member. The term “Immediate Family Member” shall mean a person’s spouse; child
residing in the person’s household (including step and adoptive children); and any dependent of the person,
as defined in section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 152).
(viii) Officer. The term “Officer” shall mean the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, controller, or any
other officer who performs policy-making functions.

Parent. The term “Parent” shall mean the affiliated person of a specified person who controls the specified
person directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries.


Registrant. The term “Registrant” shall mean an investment company registered under the Investment
Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a) or a business development company as defined by section 2(a)(48) of
the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)(48)).


Sponsoring Insurance Company. The term “Sponsoring Insurance Company” of a Fund that is a separate
account shall mean the insurance company that establishes and maintains the separate account and that owns
the assets of the separate account.


Subsidiary. The term “Subsidiary” shall mean an affiliated person of a specified person who is controlled

by the specified person directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries.

[Removed and Reserved]
General Disclosure. Furnish the following information in the proxy statement of a Fund or Funds:
(i) State the name and address of the Fund’s investment adviser, principal underwriter, and Administrator.
(ii) When a Fund proxy statement solicits a vote on proposals affecting more than one Fund or class of securities
of a Fund (unless the proposal or proposals are the same and affect all Fund or class shareholders), present
a summary of all of the proposals in tabular form on one of the first three pages of the proxy statement and
indicate which Fund or class shareholders are solicited with respect to each proposal.
(iii) Unless the proxy statement is accompanied by a copy of the Fund’s most recent annual report, state
prominently in the proxy statement that the Fund will furnish, without charge, a copy of the annual report
and the most recent semi-annual report succeeding the annual report, if any, to a shareholder upon request,
providing the name, address, and toll-free telephone number of the person to whom such request shall be
directed (or, if no toll-free telephone number is provided, a self-addressed postage paid card for requesting
the annual report). The Fund should provide a copy of the annual report and the most recent semi-annual
report succeeding the annual report, if any, to the requesting shareholder by first class mail, or other means
designed to assure prompt delivery, within three business days of the request.
(iv) If the action to be taken would, directly or indirectly, establish a new fee or expense or increase any existing
fee or expense to be paid by the Fund or its shareholders, provide a table showing the current and pro forma
fees (with the required examples) using the format prescribed in the appropriate registration statement form
under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (for open-end management investment companies, Item 2 of Form
N-1A (§ 239.15A); for closed-end management investment companies, Item 3 of Form N-2 (§ 239.14); and for
separate accounts that offer variable annuity contracts, Item 3 of Form N-3 (§ 239.17a)).

Where approval is sought only for a change in asset breakpoints for a pre-existing fee that would not have
increased the fee for the previous year (or have the effect of increasing fees or expenses, but for any other
reason would not be reflected in a pro forma fee table), describe the likely effect of the change in lieu of
providing pro forma fee information.


An action would indirectly establish or increase a fee or expense where, for example, the approval of a new
investment advisory contract would result in higher custodial or transfer agency fees.


The tables should be prepared in a manner designed to facilitate understanding of the impact of any change
in fees or expenses.


A Fund that offers its shares exclusively to one or more separate accounts and thus is not required to include
a fee table in its prospectus (see Item 2(a)(ii) of Form N-1A (§ 239.15A)) should nonetheless prepare a table
showing current and pro forma expenses and disclose that the table does not reflect separate account
expenses, including sales load.


If action is to be taken with respect to the election of directors or the approval of an advisory contract, describe
any purchases or sales of securities of the investment adviser or its Parents, or Subsidiaries of either, since
the beginning of the most recently completed fiscal year by any director or any nominee for election as a
director of the Fund.


Identify the parties, state the consideration, the terms of payment and describe any arrangement or
understanding with respect to the composition of the board of directors of the Fund or of the investment
adviser, or with respect to the selection of appointment of any person to any office with either such company.


Transactions involving securities in an amount not exceeding one percent of the outstanding securities of
any class of the investment adviser or any of its Parents or Subsidiaries may be omitted.


(b) Election of Directors. If action is to be taken with respect to the election of directors of a Fund, furnish the following information
in the proxy statement in addition to the information (and in the format) required by paragraphs (d)(2)(other than (d)(2)(ii)(D)),
(d)(3), (f) and (g) and (h) of Item 7 of Schedule 14A.
Instructions to introductory text of paragraph (b).

Furnish information with respect to a prospective investment adviser to the extent applicable.


If the solicitation is made by or on behalf of a person other than the Fund or an investment adviser of the Fund, provide
information only as to nominees of the person making the solicitation.


When providing information about directors and nominees for election as directors in response to this Item 22(b), furnish
information for directors or nominees who are or would be “interested persons” of the Fund within the meaning of section
2(a)(19) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)(19)) separately from the information for directors or
nominees who are not or would not be interested persons of the Fund. For example, when furnishing information in a
table, you should provide separate tables (or separate sections of a single table) for directors and nominees who are or
would be interested persons and for directors or nominees who are not or would not be interested persons. When
furnishing information in narrative form, indicate by heading or otherwise the directors or nominees who are or would
be interested persons and the directors or nominees who are not or would not be interested persons.


No information need be given about any director whose term of office as a director will not continue after the meeting
to which the proxy statement relates.

Provide the information required by the following table for each director, nominee for election as director, Officer
of the Fund, person chosen to become an Officer of the Fund, and, if the Fund has an advisory board, member of
the board. Explain in a footnote to the table any family relationship between the persons listed.







and Age

Held with

Term of
of Time

During Past 5

Number of
Portfolios in
Fund Complex
Overseen by
Director or
Nominee for

Held by Director
or Nominee for

Instructions to paragraph (b)(1).

For purposes of this paragraph, the term “family relationship” means any relationship by blood, marriage, or adoption,
not more remote than first cousin.


No nominee or person chosen to become a director or Officer who has not consented to act as such may be named in
response to this Item. In this regard, see Rule 14a-4(d) under the Exchange Act (§ 240.14a-4(d)).


If fewer nominees are named than the number fixed by or pursuant to the governing instruments, state the reasons for
this procedure and that the proxies cannot be voted for a greater number of persons than the number of nominees named.


For each director or nominee for election as director who is or would be an “interested person” of the Fund within the
meaning of section 2(a)(19) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)(19)), describe, in a footnote or
otherwise, the relationship, events, or transactions by reason of which the director or nominee is or would be an interested


State the principal business of any company listed under column (4) unless the principal business is implicit in its name.


Include in column (5) the total number of separate portfolios that a nominee for election as director would oversee if he



were elected.
Indicate in column (6) directorships not included in column (5) that are held by a director or nominee for election as director
in any company with a class of securities registered pursuant to section 12 of the Exchange Act (15 U.S.C. 78l), or subject
to the requirements of section 15(d) of the Exchange Act (15 U.S.C. 78o(d)), or any company registered as an investment
company under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a), as amended, and name the companies in which
the directorships are held. Where the other directorships include directorships overseeing two or more portfolios in the
same Fund Complex, identify the Fund Complex and provide the number of portfolios overseen as a director in the Fund
Complex rather than listing each portfolio separately.

For each individual listed in column (1) of the table required by paragraph (b)(1) of this Item, except for any director
or nominee for election as director who is not or would not be an “interested person” of the Fund within the meaning
of section 2(a)(19) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)(19)), describe any positions, including
as an officer, employee, director, or general partner, held with affiliated persons or principal underwriters of the Fund.

Instruction to paragraph (b)(2). When an individual holds the same position(s) with two or more registered investment
companies that are part of the same Fund Complex, identify the Fund Complex and provide the number of registered investment
companies for which the position(s) are held rather than listing each registered investment company separately.

Describe briefly any arrangement or understanding between any director, nominee for election as director, Officer,
or person chosen to become an Officer, and any other person(s) (naming the person(s)) pursuant to which he was
or is to be selected as a director, nominee, or Officer.

Instruction to paragraph (b)(3). Do not include arrangements or understandings with directors or Officers acting solely
in their capacities as such.

Unless disclosed in the table required by paragraph (b)(1) of this Item, describe any positions, including as an
officer, employee, director, or general partner, held by any director or nominee for election as director, who is not
or would not be an “interested person” of the Fund within the meaning of section 2(a)(19) of the Investment
Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)(19)), or Immediate Family Member of the director or nominee, during the
past five years, with:

The Fund;


An investment company, or a person that would be an investment company but for the exclusions provided
by sections 3(c)(1) and 3(c)(7) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-3(c)(1) and (c)(7)), having
the same investment adviser, principal underwriter, or Sponsoring Insurance Company as the Fund or having
an investment adviser, principal underwriter, or Sponsoring Insurance Company that directly or indirectly
controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with an investment adviser, principal underwriter, or
Sponsoring Insurance Company of the Fund;

(iii) An investment adviser, principal underwriter, Sponsoring Insurance Company, or affiliated person of the
Fund; or
(iv) Any person directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by, or under common control with an investment
adviser, principal underwriter, or Sponsoring Insurance Company of the Fund.
Instruction to paragraph (b)(4). When an individual holds the same position(s) with two or more portfolios that are part
of the same Fund Complex, identify the Fund Complex and provide the number of portfolios for which the position(s) are held
rather than listing each portfolio separately.

For each director or nominee for election as director, state the dollar range of equity securities beneficially owned
by the director or nominee as required by the following table:

In the Fund; and


On an aggregate basis, in any registered investment companies overseen or to be overseen by the director

or nominee within the same Family of Investment Companies as the Fund.



Name of
Director or

Dollar Range of Equity Securities
in the Fund

Aggregate Dollar Range of Equity
Securities in All Funds Overseen
or to be Ovedrseen by Director or
Nominee in Family of Investment

Instructions to paragraph (b)(5).

Information should be provided as of the most recent practicable date. Specify the valuation date by footnote or


Determine “beneficial ownership” in accordance with rule 16a-1(a)(2) under the Exchange Act (§ 240.16a-1(a)(2)).


If action is to be taken with respect to more than one Fund, disclose in column (2) the dollar range of equity securities
beneficially owned by a director or nominee in each such Fund overseen or to be overseen by the director or nominee.


In disclosing the dollar range of equity securities beneficially owned by a director or nominee in columns (2) and (3), use
the following ranges: none, $1-$10,000, $10,001-$50,000, $50,001-$100,000, or over $100,000.

For each director or nominee for election as director who is not or would not be an “interested person” of the Fund
within the meaning of section 2(a)(19) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)(19), and his
Immediate Family Members, furnish the information required by the following table as to each class of securities
owned beneficially or of record in:

An investment adviser, principal underwriter, or Sponsoring Insurance Company of the Fund; or


A person (other than a registered investment company) directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by, or
under common control with an investment adviser, principal underwriter, or Sponsoring Insurance Company
of the Fund:







Name of
Director or

Name of
Owners and
to Director or


Title of

Value of

Percent of

Instructions to paragraph (b)(6).

Information should be provided as of the most recent practicable date. Specify the valuation date by footnote or


An individual is a “beneficial owner” of a security if he is a “beneficial owner” under either rule 13d-3 or rule 16a-1(a)(2)
under the Exchange Act (§§ 240.13d-3 or 240.16a-1(a)(2)).


Identify the company in which the director, nominee, or Immediate Family Member of the director or nominee owns
securities in column (3). When the company is a person directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by, or under common
control with an investment adviser, principal underwriter, or Sponsoring Insurance Company, describe the company’s
relationship with the investment adviser, principal underwriter, or Sponsoring Insurance Company.


Provide the information required by columns (5) and (6) on an aggregate basis for each director (or nominee) and his

Immediate Family Members.

Unless disclosed in response to paragraph (b)(6) of this Item, describe any direct or indirect interest, the value of
which exceeds $60,000, of each director or nominee for election as director who is not or would not be an “interested
person” of the Fund within the meaning of section 2(a)(19) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a2(a)(19)), or Immediate Family Member of the director or nominee, during the past five years, in:

An investment adviser, principal underwriter, or Sponsoring Insurance Company of the Fund; or


A person (other than a registered investment company) directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by, or
under common control with an investment adviser, principal underwriter, or Sponsoring Insurance Company
of the Fund.

Instructions to paragraph (b)(7)

A director, nominee, or Immediate Family Member has an interest in a company if he is a party to a contract, arrangement,
or understanding with respect to any securities of, or interest in, the company.


The interest of the director (or nominee) and the interests of his Immediate Family Members should be aggregated in
determining whether the value exceeds $60,000.

Describe briefly any material interest, direct or indirect, of any director or nominee for election as director who is
not or would not be an “interested person” of the Fund within the meaning of section 2(a)(19) of the Investment
Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)(19)), or Immediate Family Member of the director or nominee, in any
transaction, or series of similar transactions, since the beginning of the last two completed fiscal years of the Fund,
or in any currently proposed transaction, or series of similar transactions, in which the amount involved exceeds
$60,000 and to which any of the following persons was or is to be a party:

The Fund;


An Officer of the Fund;

(iii) An investment company, or a person that would be an investment company but for the exclusions provided
by sections 3(c)(1) and 3(c)(7) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-3(c)(1) and (c)(7)), having
the same investment adviser, principal underwriter, or Sponsoring Insurance Company as the Fund or having
an investment adviser, principal underwriter, or Sponsoring Insurance Company that directly or indirectly
controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with an investment adviser, principal underwriter, or
Sponsoring Insurance Company of the Fund;
(iv) An Officer of an investment company, or a person that would be an investment company but for the exclusions
provided by sections 3(c)(1) and 3(c)(7) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-3(c)(1) and
(c)(7)), having the same investment adviser, principal underwriter, or Sponsoring Insurance Company as the
Fund or having an investment adviser, principal underwriter, or Sponsoring Insurance Company that directly
or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with an investment adviser, principal
underwriter, or Sponsoring Insurance Company of the Fund;

An investment adviser, principal underwriter, or Sponsoring Insurance Company of the Fund;

(vi) An Officer of an investment adviser, principal underwriter, or Sponsoring Insurance Company of the Fund;
(vii) A person directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by, or under common control with an investment adviser,
principal underwriter, or Sponsoring Insurance Company of the Fund; or
(viii) An Officer of a person directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by, or under common control with an
investment adviser, principal underwriter, or Sponsoring Insurance Company of the Fund.


Instructions to paragraph (b)(8).

Include the name of each director, nominee, or Immediate Family Member whose interest in any transaction or series of
similar transactions is described and the nature of the circumstances by reason of which the interest is required to be


State the nature of the interest, the approximate dollar amount involved in the transaction, and, where practicable, the
approximate dollar amount of the interest.


In computing the amount involved in the transaction or series of similar transactions, include all periodic payments in
the case of any lease or other agreement providing for periodic payments.


Compute the amount of the interest of any director, nominee, or Immediate Family Member of the director or nominee
without regard to the amount of profit or loss involved in the transaction(s).


As to any transaction involving the purchase or sale of assets, state the cost of the assets to the purchaser and, if acquired
by the seller within two years prior to the transaction, the cost to the seller. Describe the method used in determining
the purchase or sale price and the name of the person making the determination.


If the proxy statement relates to multiple portfolios of a series Fund with different fiscal years, then, in determining the
date that is the beginning of the last two completed fiscal years of the Fund, use the earliest date of any series covered
by the proxy statement.


Disclose indirect, as well as direct, material interests in transactions. A person who has a position or relationship with,
or interest in, a company that engages in a transaction with one of the persons listed in paragraphs (b)(8)(i) through
(b)(8)(viii) of this Item may have an indirect interest in the transaction by reason of the position, relationship, or interest.
The interest in the transaction, however, will not be deemed “material” within the meaning of paragraph (b)(8) of this
Item where the interest of the director, nominee, or Immediate Family Member arises solely from the holding of an equity
interest (including a limited partnership interest, but excluding a general partnership interest) or a creditor interest in a
company that is a party to the transaction with one of the persons specified in paragraphs (b)(8)(i) through (b)(8)(viii)
of this Item, and the transaction is not material to the company.


The materiality of any interest is to be determined on the basis of the significance of the information to investors in light
of all the circumstances of the particular case. The importance of the interest to the person having the interest, the
relationship of the parties to the transaction with each other, and the amount involved in the transaction are among the
factors to be considered in determining the significance of the information to investors.


No information need be given as to any transaction where the interest of the director, nominee, or Immediate Family
Member arises solely from the ownership of securities of a person specified in paragraphs (b)(8)(i) through (b)(8)(viii)
of this Item and the director, nominee, or Immediate Family Member receives no extra or special benefit not shared on
a pro rata basis by all holders of the class of securities.

10. Transactions include loans, lines of credit, and other indebtedness. For indebtedness, indicate the largest aggregate
amount of indebtedness outstanding at any time during the period, the nature of the indebtedness and the transaction
in which it was incurred, the amount outstanding as of the latest practicable date, and the rate of interest paid or charged.
11. No information need be given as to any routine, retail transaction. For example, the Fund need not disclose that a director
has a credit card, bank or brokerage account, residential mortgage, or insurance policy with a person specified in
paragraphs (b)(8)(i) through (b)(8)(viii) of this Item unless the director is accorded special treatment.

Describe briefly any direct or indirect relationship, in which the amount involved exceeds $60,000, of any director
or nominee for election as director who is not or would not be an “interested person” of the Fund within the meaning
of section 2(a)(19) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)(19)), or Immediate Family Member
of the director or nominee, that exists, or has existed at any time since the beginning of the last two completed fiscal
years of the Fund, or is currently proposed, with any of the persons specified in paragraphs (b)(8)(i) through
(b)(8)(viii) of this Item. Relationships include:



Payments for property or services to or from any person specified in paragraphs (b)(8)(i) through (b)(8)(viii)
of this Item;


Provision of legal services to any person specified in paragraphs (b)(8)(i) through (b)(8)(viii) of this Item;

(iii) Provision of investment banking services to any person specified in paragraphs (b)(8)(i) through (b)(8)(viii)
of this Item, other than as a participating underwriter in a syndicate; and
(iv) Any consulting or other relationship that is substantially similar in nature and scope to the relationships listed
in paragraphs (b)(9)(i) through (b)(9)(iii) of this Item.
Instructions to paragraph (b)(9).

Include the name of each director, nominee, or Immediate Family Member whose relationship is described and the nature
of the circumstances by reason of which the relationship is required to be described.


State the nature of the relationship and the amount of business conducted between the director, nominee, or Immediate
Family Member and the person specified in paragraphs (b)(8)(i) through (b)(8)(viii) of this Item as a result of the
relationship since the beginning of the last two completed fiscal years of the Fund or proposed to be done during the
Fund’s current fiscal year.


In computing the amount involved in a relationship, include all periodic payments in the case of any agreement providing
for periodic payments.


If the proxy statement relates to multiple portfolios of a series Fund with different fiscal years, then, in determining the
date that is the beginning of the last two completed fiscal years of the Fund, use the earliest date of any series covered
by the proxy statement.


Disclose indirect, as well as direct, relationships. A person who has a position or relationship with, or interest in, a
company that has a relationship with one of the persons listed in paragraphs (b)(8)(i) through (b)(8)(viii) of this Item may
have an indirect relationship by reason of the position, relationship, or interest.


In determining whether the amount involved in a relationship exceeds $60,000, amounts involved in a relationship of the
director (or nominee) should be aggregated with those of his Immediate Family Members.


In the case of an indirect interest, identify the company with which a person specified in paragraphs (b)(8)(i) through
(b)(8)(viii) of this Item has a relationship; the name of the director, nominee, or Immediate Family Member affiliated with
the company and the nature of the affiliation; and the amount of business conducted between the company and the person
specified in paragraphs (b)(8)(i) through (b)(8)(viii) of this Item since the beginning of the last two completed fiscal years
of the Fund or proposed to be done during the Fund’s current fiscal year.


In calculating payments for property and services for purposes of paragraph (b)(9)(i) of this Item, the following may be



Payments where the transaction involves the rendering of services as a common contract carrier, or public utility,
at rates or charges fixed in conformity with law or governmental authority; or


Payments that arise solely from the ownership of securities of a person specified in paragraphs (b)(8)(i) through
(b)(8)(viii) of this Item and no extra or special benefit not shared on a pro rata basis by all holders of the class of
securities is received.

No information need be given as to any routine, retail relationship. For example, the Fund need not disclose that a director
has a credit card, bank or brokerage account, residential mortgage, or insurance policy with a person specified in
paragraphs (b)(8)(i) through (b)(8)(viii) of this Item unless the director is accorded special treatment.
(10) If an Officer of an investment adviser, principal underwriter, or Sponsoring Insurance Company of the Fund, or an


Officer of a person directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by, or under common control with an investment
adviser, principal underwriter, or Sponsoring Insurance Company of the Fund, serves, or has served since the
beginning of the last two completed fiscal years of the Fund, on the board of directors of a company where a director
of the Fund or nominee for election as director who is not or would not be an “interested person” of the Fund within
the meaning of section 2(a)(19) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)(19)), or Immediate Family
Member of the director or nominee, is, or was since the beginning of the last two completed fiscal years of the Fund,
an Officer, identify:

The company;


The individual who serves or has served as a director of the company and the period of service as director;

(iii) The investment adviser, principal underwriter, or Sponsoring Insurance Company or person controlling,
controlled by, or under common control with the investment adviser, principal underwriter, or Sponsoring
Insurance Company where the individual named in paragraph (b)(10)(ii) of this Item holds or held office and
the office held; and
(iv) The director of the Fund, nominee for election as director, or Immediate Family Member who is or was an Officer
of the company; the office held; and the period of holding the office.
Instruction to paragraph (b)(10). If the proxy statement relates to multiple portfolios of a series Fund with different fiscal
years, then, in determining the date that is the beginning of the last two completed fiscal years of the Fund, use the earliest
date of any series covered by the proxy statement.
(11) Provide in tabular form, to the extent practicable, the information required by Items 401(f) and (g), 404(a) and (c),
and 405 of Regulation S-K (§§ 229.401(f) and (g), 229.404(a) and (c), and 229.405 of this chapter).
Instruction to paragraph (b)(11). Information provided under paragraph (b)(8) of this Item 22 is deemed to satisfy the
requirements of Items 404(a) and (c) of Regulation S-K for information about directors, nominees for election as directors,
and Immediate Family Members of directors and nominees, and need not be provided under this paragraph (b)(11).
(12) Describe briefly any material pending legal proceedings, other than ordinary routine litigation incidental to the
Fund’s business, to which any director or nominee for director or affiliated person of such director or nominee is
a party adverse to the Fund or any of its affiliated persons or has a material interest adverse to the Fund or any
of its affiliated persons. Include the name of the court where the case is pending, the date instituted, the principal
parties, a description of the factual basis alleged to underlie the proceeding, and the relief sought.
(13) For all directors, and for each of the three highest-paid Officers that have aggregate compensation from the Fund
for the most recently completed fiscal year in excess of $60,000 (“Compensated Persons”):

Furnish the information required by the following table for the last fiscal year:

Compensation Table





Name of

From Fund

Pension or
Accrued as Part
of Fund

Annual Benefits

From Fund and
Fund Complex
Paid to Directors

Instructions to paragraph (b)(13)(i).

For column (1), indicate, if necessary, the capacity in which the remuneration is received. For Compensated Persons that
are directors of the Fund, compensation is amounts received for service as a director.



If the Fund has not completed its first full year since its organization, furnish the information for the current fiscal year,
estimating future payments that would be made pursuant to an existing agreement or understanding. Disclose in a
footnote to the Compensation Table the period for which the information is furnished.


Include in column (2) amounts deferred at the election of the Compensated Person, whether pursuant to a plan established
under Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 401(k)) or otherwise, for the fiscal year in which earned.
Disclose in a footnote to the Compensation Table the total amount of deferred compensation (including interest) payable
to or accrued for any Compensated Person.


Include in columns (3) and (4) all pension or retirement benefits proposed to be paid under any existing plan in the event
of retirement at normal retirement date, directly or indirectly, by the Fund or any of its Subsidiaries, or by other companies
in the Fund Complex. Omit column (4) where retirement benefits are not determinable.


For any defined benefit or actuarial plan under which benefits are determined primarily by final compensation (or
average final compensation) and years of service, provide the information required in column (4) in a separate table
showing estimated annual benefits payable upon retirement (including amounts attributable to any defined benefit
supplementary or excess pension award plans) in specified compensation and years of service classifications. Also
provide the estimated credited years of service for each Compensated Person.


Include in column (5) only aggregate compensation paid to a director for service on the board and other boards of
investment companies in a Fund Complex specifying the number of such other investment companies.

Describe briefly the material provisions of any pension, retirement, or other plan or any arrangement other than
fee arrangements disclosed in paragraph (b)(13)(i) of this Item pursuant to which Compensated Persons are or may
be compensated for any services provided, including amounts paid, if any, to the Compensated Person under any
such arrangements during the most recently completed fiscal year. Specifically include the criteria used to determine
amounts payable under any plan, the length of service or vesting period required by the plan, the retirement age
or other event that gives rise to payments under the plan, and whether the payment of benefits is secured or funded
by the Fund.

(iii) With respect to each Compensated Person, business development companies must include the information
required by Items 402(b)(2)(iv) and 402(c) of Regulation S-K (§§ 229.402(b)(2)(iv) and 229.402(c) of this chapter).
(14) State whether or not the Fund has a separately designated audit committee established in accordance with section
3(a)(58)(A) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78c(a)(58)(A)). If the entire board of directors is acting as the Fund’s audit committee
as specified in section 3(a)(58)(B) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78c(a)(58)(B)), so state. If applicable, provide the disclosure
required by § 240.10A-3(d) regarding an exemption from the listing standards for audit committees. Identify the other
standing committees of the Fund’s board of directors, and provide the following information about each committee,
including any separately designated audit committee and nominating committee:

A concise statement of the functions of the committee;


The members of the committee and, in the case of a nominating committee, whether or not the members of
the committee are “interested persons” of the Fund as defined in section 2(a)(19) of the Investment Company
Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)(19)); and

(iii) The number of committee meetings held during the last fiscal year.
Instruction to paragraph (b)(14): For purposes of Item 22(b)(14), the term “nominating committee” refers not only to
nominating committees and committees performing similar functions, but also to groups of directors fulfilling the role of a
nominating committee, including the entire board of directors.
(c) Approval of Investment Advisory Contract. If action is to be taken with respect to an investment advisory contract, include
the following information in the proxy statement.
Instruction. Furnish information with respect to a prospective investment adviser to the extent applicable (including the name


and address of the prospective investment adviser).
(1) With respect to the existing investment advisory contract:

State the date of the contract and the date on which it was last submitted to a vote of security holders of the Fund,
including the purpose of such submission;
Briefly describe the terms of the contract, including the rate of compensation of the investment adviser;

(iii) State the aggregate amount of the investment adviser’s fee and the amount and purpose of any other material
payments by the Fund to the investment adviser, or any affiliated person of the investment adviser, during the last
fiscal year of the Fund;
(iv) If any person is acting as an investment adviser of the Fund other than pursuant to a written contract that has been
approved by the security holders of the company, identify the person and describe the nature of the services and

Describe any action taken with respect to the investment advisory contract since the beginning of the Fund’s last
fiscal year by the board of directors of the Fund (unless described in response to paragraph (c)(1)(vi)) of this Item
22); and

(vi) If an investment advisory contract was terminated or not renewed for any reason, state the date of such termination
or non-renewal, identify the parties involved, and describe the circumstances of such termination or non-renewal.
(2) State the name, address and principal occupation of the principal executive officer and each director or general partner
of the investment adviser.
Instruction. If the investment adviser is a partnership with more than ten general partners, name:

the general partners with the five largest economic interests in the partnership, and, if different, those general
partners comprising the management or executive committee of the partnership or exercising similar authority;


the general partners with significant management responsibilities relating to the fund.

(3) State the names and addresses of all Parents of the investment adviser and show the basis of control of the investment
adviser and each Parent by its immediate Parent.
If any person named is a corporation, include the percentage of its voting securities owned by its immediate Parent.

If any person named is a partnership, name the general partners having the three largest partnership interests
(computed by whatever method is appropriate in the particular case).

(4) If the investment adviser is a corporation and if, to the knowledge of the persons making the solicitation or the persons
on whose behalf the solicitation is made, any person not named in answer to paragraph (c)(3) of this Item 22 owns, of
record or beneficially, ten percent or more of the outstanding voting securities of the investment adviser, indicate that
fact and state the name and address of each such person.
(5) Name each officer or director of the Fund who is an officer, employee, director, general partner or shareholder of the
investment adviser. As to any officer or director who is not a director or general partner of the investment adviser and
who owns securities or has any other material direct or indirect interest in the investment adviser or any other person
controlling, controlled by or under common control with the investment adviser, describe the nature of such interest.
(6) Describe briefly and state the approximate amount of, where practicable, any material interest, direct or indirect, of any
director of the Fund in any material transactions since the beginning of the most recently completed fiscal year, or in
any material proposed transactions, to which the investment adviser of the Fund, any Parent or Subsidiary of the
investment adviser (other than another Fund), or any Subsidiary of the Parent of such entities was or is to be a party.



Include the name of each person whose interest in any transaction is described and the nature of the relationship
by reason of which such interest is required to be described. Where it is not practicable to state the approximate
amount of the interest, indicate the approximate amount involved in the transaction.


As to any transaction involving the purchase or sale of assets by or to the investment adviser, state the cost of
the assets to the purchaser and the cost thereof to the seller if acquired by the seller within two years prior to the


If the interest of any person arises from the position of the person as a partner in a partnership, the proportionate
interest of such person in transactions to which the partnership is a party need not be set forth, but state the amount
involved in the transaction with the partnership.


No information need be given in response to this paragraph (c)(6) of Item 22 with respect to any transaction that
is not related to the business or operations of the Fund and to which neither the Fund nor any of its Parents or
Subsidiaries is a party.

(7) Disclose any financial condition of the investment adviser that is reasonably likely to impair the financial ability of the
adviser to fulfil its commitment to the fund under the proposed investment advisory contract.
(8) Describe the nature of the action to be taken on the investment advisory contract and the reasons therefor, the terms
of the contract to be acted upon, and, if the action is an amendment to, or a replacement of, an investment advisory contract,
the material differences between the current and proposed contract.
(9) If a change in the investment advisory fee is sought, state:

The aggregate amount of the investment adviser’s fee during the last year;


The amount that the adviser would have received had the proposed fee been in effect; and

(iii) The difference between the aggregate amounts stated in response to paragraphs (i) and (ii) this item (c)(9) as a
percentage of the amount stated in response to paragraph (i) of this item (c)(9).
(10) If the investment adviser acts as such with respect to any other Fund having a similar investment objective, identify and
state the size of such other Fund and the rate of the investment adviser’s compensation. Also indicate for any Fund
identified whether the investment adviser has waived, reduced, or otherwise agreed to reduce its compensation under
any applicable contract.
Instruction. Furnish the information in response to this paragraph (c)(10) of Item 22 in tabular form.
(11) Discuss in reasonable detail the material factors and the conclusions with respect thereto that form the basis for the
recommendation of the board of directors that the shareholders approve an investment advisory contract. Include the
following in the discussion:
(i) Factors relating to both the board’s selection of the investment adviser and approval of the advisory fee
and any other amounts to be paid by the Fund under the contract. This would include, but not be limited to,
a discussion of the nature, extent, and quality of the services to be provided by the investment adviser; the
investment performance of the Fund and the investment adviser; the costs of the services to be provided
and profits to be realized by the investment adviser and its affiliates from the relationship with the Fund; the
extent to which economies of scale would be realized as the Fund grows; and whether fee levels reflect these
economies of scale for the benefit of Fund investors. Also indicate in the discussion whether the board
relied upon comparisons of the services to be rendered and the amounts to be paid under the contract with
those under other investment advisory contracts, such as contracts of the same and other investment
advisers with other registered investment companies or other types of clients (e.g., pension funds and other
institutional investors). If the board relied upon such comparisons, describe the comparisons that were
relied on and how they assisted the board in determining to recommend that the shareholders approve the

advisory contract; and
(ii) If applicable, any benefits derived or to be derived by the investment adviser from the relationship with
the Fund such as soft dollar arrangements by which brokers provide research to the Fund or its investment
adviser in return for allocating Fund brokerage.
Instruction. 1. Conclusory statements or a list of factors will not be considered sufficient disclosure. Relate the factors
to the specific circumstances of the Fund and the investment advisory contract for which approval is sought and state
how the board evaluated each factor. For example, it is not sufficient to state that the board considered the amount of
the investment advisory fee without stating what the board concluded about the amount of the fee and how that affected
its determination to recommend approval of the contract.
2. If any factor enumerated in paragraph (c)(11)(i) of this Item 22 is not relevant to the board’s evaluation of the
investment advisory contract for which approval is sought, note this and explain the reasons why that factor is not
(12) Describe any arrangement or understanding made in connection with the proposed investment advisory contract with
respect to the composition of the board of directors of the Fund or the investment adviser or with respect to the selection
or appointment of any person to any office with either such company.
(13) For the most recently completed fiscal year, state:

The aggregate amount of commissions paid to any Affiliated Broker; and


The percentage of the Fund’s aggregate brokerage commissions paid to any such Affiliated Broker.

Instruction. Identify each Affiliated Broker and the relationships that cause the broker to be an Affiliated Broker.
(14) Disclose the amount of any fees paid by the Fund to the investment adviser, its affiliated persons or any affiliated person
of such person during the most recent fiscal year for services provided to the Fund (other than under the investment
advisory contract or for brokerage commissions). State whether these services will continue to be provided after the
investment advisory contract is approved.
(d) Approval of Distribution Plan. If action is to be taken with respect to a Distribution Plan, include the following information
in the proxy statement.
Instruction. Furnish information on a prospective basis to the extent applicable.
(1) Describe the nature of the action to be taken on the Distribution Plan and the reason therefor, the terms of the Distribution
Plan to be acted upon, and, if the action is an amendment to, or a replacement of, a Distribution Plan, the material differences
between the current and proposed Distribution Plan.
(2) If the Fund has a Distribution Plan in effect:

Provide the date that the Distribution Plan was adopted and the date of the last amendment, if any;


Disclose the persons to whom payments may be made under the Distribution Plan, the rate of the distribution fee
and the purposes for which such fee may be used;

(iii) Disclose the amount of distribution fees paid by the Fund pursuant to the plan during its most recent fiscal year,
both in the aggregate and as a percentage of the Fund’s average net assets during the period;
(iv) Disclose the name of, and the amount of any payments made under the Distribution Plan by the Fund during its
most recent fiscal year to, any person who is an affiliated person of the Fund, its investment adviser, principal
underwriter, or Administrator, an affiliated person of such person, or a person that during the most recent fiscal
year received 10% or more of the aggregate amount paid under the Distribution Plan by the Fund;



Describe any action taken with respect to the Distribution Plan since the beginning of the Fund’s most recent fiscal
year by the board of directors of the Fund; and

(vi) If a Distribution Plan was or is to be terminated or not renewed for any reason, state the date or prospective date
of such termination or non-renewal, identify the parties involved, and describe the circumstances of such
termination or non-renewal.
(3) Describe briefly and state the approximate amount of, where practicable, any material interest, direct or indirect, of any
director or nominee for election as a director of the Fund in any material transactions since the beginning of the most
recently completed fiscal year, or in any material proposed transactions, to which any person identified in response to
Item 22(d)(2)(iv) was or is to be a party.

Include the name of each person whose interest in any transaction is described and the nature of the relationship
by reason of which such interest is required to be described. Where it is not practicable to state the approximate
amount of the interest, indicate the approximate amount involved in the transaction.


As to any transaction involving the purchase or sale of assets, state the cost of the assets to the purchaser and
the cost thereof to the seller if acquired by the seller within two years prior to the transaction.


If the interest of any person arises from the position of the person as a partner in a partnership, the proportionate
interest of such person in transactions to which the partnership is a party need not be set forth but state the amount
involved in the transaction with the partnership.


No information need be given in response to this paragraph (d)(3) of Item 22 with respect to any transaction that
is not related to the business or operations of the Fund and to which neither the Fund nor any of its Parents or
Subsidiaries is a party.

(4) Discuss in reasonable detail the material factors and the conclusions with respect thereto which form the basis for the
conclusion of the board of directors that there is a reasonable likelihood that the proposed Distribution Plan (or
amendment thereto) will benefit the Fund and its shareholders.
Instruction. Conclusory statements or a list of factors will not be considered sufficient disclosure.
Item 23. Delivery of documents to security holders sharing an address.
If one annual report or proxy statement is being delivered to two or more security holders who share an address in accordance
with §240.14a-3(e)(1), furnish the following information:
(a) State that only one annual report or proxy statement, as applicable, is being delivered to multiple security holders sharing
an address unless the registrant has received contrary instructions from one or more of the security holders;
(b) Undertake to deliver promptly upon written or oral request a separate copy of the annual report or proxy statement, as
applicable, to a security holder at a shared address to which a single copy of the documents was delivered and provide
instructions as to how a security holder can notify the registrant that the security holder wishes to receive a separate copy
of an annual report or proxy statement, as applicable;
(c) Provide the phone number and mailing address to which a security holder can direct a notification to the registrant that the
security holder wishes to receive a separate annual report or proxy statement, as applicable, in the future; and
(d) Provide instructions how security holders sharing an address can request delivery of a single copy of annual reports or proxy
statements if they are receiving multiple copies of annual reports or proxy statements.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Titlesec1913
File Modified2006-03-21
File Created2005-10-06

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