OMB Control Number: 0704-0433
Expires 07.31.2009
Employers Economic Impact Survey (EEIS)
When Guard or Reserve Employees Are Absent From Work to Serve in the Military
A Department of Defense Research Study
Conducted by:
The Department of Defense (DoD) is evaluating the impact of its policy on the civilian economy when Guard or Reserve employees are absent from work for more than 30 days to serve in the military. The DoD will use this information to better understand the vital role employers play in supporting our troops and our nation, as well as to identify possible ways in which the DoD may be able to better meet employers’ needs. Survey results will be analyzed by the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) and Camp & Associates, LLC (CALLC).
The ideal respondent for Section One is the person most knowledgeable about the impact and cost to your human resources when Guard/Reserve employees are absent from work (e.g., manager or supervisor of Guard/Reserve employees).
Section One may take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
This is your opportunity to tell the Department of Defense what is working, needs improvement, or should be changed.
Your participation is voluntary, but vital to the success of our research. If you choose to participate, you may answer all or only some of the questions.
Your organization’s individual responses will not be associated with your organization’s name, and your organization’s name and street address will be kept confidential by the independent social science survey research firm.
The information you provide in response to this survey is protected under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Exemption 4: Trade Secrets, Commercial or Financial Information, and, when appropriate, the Privacy Act, except as otherwise required by law.
Your organization was selected at random from over 57,000 employers nationwide who employ or have employed Guard/Reserve members at any time since 2005.
Substituting another organization in your place may jeopardize the scientific methods used for the research.
Survey questions focus on your organization’s experience with employing Guard/Reserve members, and on areas that may be impacting your organization’s costs. The survey also collects demographic information about your organization for statistical purposes.
The Department of Defense needs your help, asks for your assistance, and thanks you in advance for your time and continued support. Your assistance will provide valuable information, that we would otherwise not know, about the impact on employers when Guard/Reserve members are absent for more than 30 days to serve in the military.
This research is sponsored by the Department of Defense, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs.
CALLC, an independent social science survey research organization, is authorized to collect this information. CALLC is located at 6701 Democracy Blvd., Suite 300, Bethesda, MD 20817.
If you require assistance, CALLC research staff can be reached via electronic mail at or by calling toll-free at 1-800-601-7434.
Instructions for Completing the Survey
Please note: The survey was designed for all employers. Therefore, a number of sections and/or questions may not apply to your organization. In these cases, survey instructions will direct you to the next question or section, as appropriate.
Please read each question completely before you answer.
Please provide actual data whenever possible. If providing actual data is not possible, please provide your best estimate.
If additional space is needed to fully respond to any one question, please use the margin or back cover to record your response.
Instructions and section headings are italicized.
For response categories such as “Y N,” please check the box to the left of the response category you choose.
For numeric response categories such as “How many? ______,” please record your numeric response on the line provided to the right of the question.
For text response categories such as “Please specify: _______,” please write your response in the box or line provided. If additional space is needed to completely answer a question, please use the margin or back cover.
DK may be used for Don’t Know.
RF may be used for Refused.
E should be used when reporting estimated figures.
Survey questions flow from top to bottom on each page.
Section breaks and complex questions within response categories are separated by a shaded area.
Unless a response category is followed by a Go To, proceed to the next question.
make corrections, please place a diagonal line through the
incorrect response and write your new response next to it, e.g., 12
Once all of the questions are answered, please put the survey booklet(s) into the stamped, self-addressed return envelope(s), and deposit the envelope(s) in a United States Postal Service mailbox. No additional postage is required.
If you have any questions, or if we can assist you in any way, please do not hesitate to call 1-800-601-7434. We are here to help you help us!
Instruction 1: For this survey, please round down for less than one-half and round up for one-half or more. For example, if an employee was gone for 6 months and 8 days, you would record 6 months. If the employee was gone 6 months and 17 days, you would record 7 months. Please apply the same method of rounding to all questions that request numbers. When in doubt about rounding, please call 1-800-601-7434.
1.0. Number of Guard or Reserve Employees
This section focuses on the number of Guard/Reserve members employed at this organization.
Including those on active duty, how many Guard/Reserve members were employed by this organization in 2006 and 2005?
2006 |
2005 |
None in either year |
A. Number of Guard/Reserve employed |
➡Go To Instruction 2 |
B. Number of Guard/Reserve absent from work for more than 30 days to serve in the military |
➡Go To Instruction 2 |
C. Of the number of Guard/Reserve reported in B, how many left work more than once in any one year to serve more than 30 days in the military? |
➡Go To 2.0. |
Instruction 2: If no Guard/Reserve employees were absent from work for more than 30 days to serve in the military in 2006 or 2005, please Go To 14.0. on page 6.
2.0. Continuation of Benefit Days While Serving in the Military
2.1. In 2006 or 2005, while Guard/Reserve employees were serving in the military for more than 30 days, did they continue to accrue any paid benefit days including vacation in any year? Y ➡Go To 2.1.a.
Paid benefit days not offered in either year ➡Go To 5.0.
2.1.a. By year, which paid benefit days continued to accrue while serving in the military for more than 30 days? (Please check all that apply)
Category |
Holidays |
Sick |
Personal |
Vacation |
Other days |
Please describe |
2006 |
➡ |
2005 |
➡ |
2.1.b. By year, while serving in the military, for how many months in one year could paid benefit days continue to accrue?
Category |
Holidays |
Sick |
Personal |
Vacation |
Other days |
2006 |
# |
# |
# |
# |
# |
2005 |
# |
# |
# |
# |
# |
2.1.c. By year, did benefit days continue to accrue until they returned?
Category |
No to all |
Yes to all |
Go To |
Yes to some |
Please indicate which days did not continue to accrue. |
2006 |
2005 |
➡ |
2005 |
2.1.d. |
➡ |
2.1.d. In 2006 or 2005, did paid benefit days accrue at the same rate as before the employee left to serve in the military for more than 30 days? N Y ➡Go To 3.0.
2.1.e. By year, what was the new annual accrual rate?
Category |
New accrual rate in 2006 Days Per: |
New accrual rate in 2005 Days Per: |
Vacation |
Holidays |
Sick days |
Personal days |
Other days |
3.0. Benefit Days – Other Than Vacation – Offered by the Employer to All Employees
To better understand the cost to employers when Guard/Reserve employees are absent from work serving in the military for more than 30 days, we first need to understand what benefits are offered by your organization, and then what it costs to offer these benefits.
Excluding vacation, in 2006 and 2005, what was the maximum number of paid benefit days that could be earned in each year?
Category |
Holidays |
Sick days |
Personal days |
Other days |
2006 |
# |
# |
# |
# |
2005 |
# |
# |
# |
# |
3.2. In 2006 or 2005, could any unused benefit days be carried over to the next year? Y N ➡Go To 4.0.
3.3. In 2006 and 2005, which unused benefit days could be carried over into the next year, and how many days could be carried over? (Please do not include vacation.)
Category |
Benefit days that could be carried over |
Maximum number of days that could be carried over in 2006 |
Maximum number of days that could be carried over in 2005 |
Holidays |
N Y ➡ |
# |
# |
Sick days |
N Y ➡ |
# |
# |
Personal days |
N Y ➡ |
# |
# |
Other days |
N Y ➡ |
# |
# |
4.0. Vacation Offered by the Employer to All Employees
By year, how was vacation earned?
Year |
Years of service |
Number of hours worked |
Vacation not offered |
2006 |
➡Go To 2005 |
➡Go To 2005 |
➡Go To 2005 |
2005 |
➡Go To 4.2. |
➡Go To 4.3. |
➡Go To 5.0. |
4.2. Starting with the first year of service, how many paid vacation days were earned for each of the following years of service?
Description |
Number of vacation days for each year of service 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 or more |
Go To |
Vacation days |
4.4. |
4.3. By year, how many hours did each employee need to work to earn one vacation day?
Description |
Number of hours worked to earn one vacation day 2006 2005 |
Hours |
By year, what was the maximum number of vacation days that one person could earn in one year?
Year |
Maximum vacation days in one year |
2006 |
# |
2005 |
# |
5.0. Health Coverage
5.1. In 2006 or 2005, was health insurance offered? Y N ➡Go To 6.0.
5.2. In 2006 or 2005, did the employer make any contributions? Y N ➡Go To 6.0.
5.2.a. In 2006 or 2005, did employer contributions continue while Guard/Reserve employees were serving in the military for more than 30 days? Y N ➡Go To 6.0.
5.2.b. By year, how long did employer contributions continue and at what rate?
Year |
Number of months ➡ |
Did employer contributions continue until they returned?
Yes No➡ |
Was this contribution at the same rate it was before they left?
Yes No |
Please indicate the change either in dollars or by percent of gross salaries by recording the amount and then checking the appropriate box below. Increase Decrease |
2006 |
➡Go To 2005 |
➡ |
% $ |
% $ |
2005 |
➡Go To 6.0. |
➡ |
% $ |
% $ |
6.0. Defined Benefits Retirement Plans
6.1. In 2006 or 2005, did this employer participate in any defined benefits retirement plan? Y N ➡Go To 7.0.
6.1.a. In 2006 or 2005, did the employer make any contributions? Y N ➡Go To 7.0.
7.0. Retirement Contribution Accounts
7.1. In 2006 or 2005, did this employer make any matching, voluntary, or mandatory payments to retirement contribution accounts, e.g., 401(k), 403(b)? Y N ➡Go To 8.0.
7.1.a. By year, what was the maximum allowable employer contribution in each year?
Description |
Not offered |
2006 |
2005 |
Matching rate |
% |
% |
Voluntary rate |
% |
% |
Mandatory rate |
% |
% |
7.1.b. By year, what was the maximum allowable employee contribution in each year?
Description |
Not offered |
2006 |
2005 |
Matching rate |
% |
% |
Voluntary rate |
% |
% |
Mandatory rate |
% |
% |
8.0. Stock Benefits
8.1. In 2006 or 2005, was any portion of compensation awarded in stock benefits? Y N ➡Go To 9.0.
8.2. In 2006 or 2005, while Guard/Reserve employees were serving in the military for more than 30 days, did they continue to accrue stock benefits? Y N ➡Go To 9.0.
8.2.a. By year, how were stock benefits awarded to employees?
Year |
Percentage of gross pay |
Lump Sum ➡ |
By year, what was the average amount or percentage awarded? |
Did stock benefits accrue until Guard/Reserve returned? Yes No |
2006 |
2005 |
9.0. Profit Sharing
9.1. In 2006 or 2005, was any portion of gross pay awarded in profit sharing? Y N ➡Go To 10.0.
9.2. In 2006 or 2005, while Guard/Reserve employees were serving in the military for more than 30 days, did they continue to accrue profit sharing? Y N ➡Go To 10.0.
9.2.a. On average, how was profit sharing awarded to employees?
Year |
Percentage of gross pay |
Lump Sum ➡ |
By year, what was the average amount or percentage awarded? |
Did profit sharing accrue until Guard/Reserve returned? Yes No |
2006 |
2005 |
10.0. Cost of Living or Years of Service Increases
10.1. In 2006 and 2005, what percentage of gross pay was awarded to all or most employees for cost of living or years of service increases?
Not offered in either year ➡ Go To 11.0.
Year |
Cost of Living |
Years of Service |
None |
Go To |
2006 |
% |
%➡ |
For each _______ year(s) |
➡ |
2005 |
2005 |
% |
%➡ |
For each _______ year(s) |
➡ |
11.0. |
11.0. Compensation
In 2006 and 2005, when Guard/Reserve employees served in the military for more than 30 days, how were they compensated by this employer? (Please respond for 2006 and then for 2005 before moving to the next section.)
2006 |
2005 |
Description |
2006 Go To |
2005 Go To |
They were paid the difference between their military pay and civilian pay. |
11.1.a. |
11.1.a. |
Their pay stopped after 90 days. |
12.0. |
12.0. |
Their pay stopped once they stopped working. |
12.0. |
12.0. |
Other? Please explain:
11.1.a. |
11.1.a. |
How many months were they paid at this rate? (Use 0 for less than one month)
Year |
Number of months |
Was this until they returned? |
Go To |
2006 |
Y N |
2005 |
2005 |
Y N |
12.0. |
12.0. Agency Fees and Additional Hiring Costs
12.1. In 2006 or 2005, were agencies used to hire any permanent or temporary replacements? Y N ➡Go To 13.0.
12.1.a. By year, what was the average fee paid to an agency to hire one employee?
Description |
2006 |
2005 |
Average agency fee paid |
$ |
$ |
12.1.b. By year, how many permanent or temporary personnel were hired to replace Guard/ Reserve employees using an agency?
Year |
Number hired using an agency |
None |
Go To |
2006 |
2005 |
2005 |
12.2. |
12.1.c. Were any of these agency fees refunded?
N ➡Go To 12.2. Y ➡How much in 2006? $________ ➡in 2005? $_________
12.2. In 2006 or 2005, were there any additional costs associated with hiring permanent or temporary replacement personnel to replace Guard/Reserve employees serving in the military for more than 30 days? Y N ➡Go To 13.0.
Category |
No Costs |
2006 Amount ➡ |
Total or Per Occurrence |
2005 Amount ➡ |
Total or Per Occurrence |
Reference verifications |
$ |
T PO |
$ |
T PO |
Application fees |
$ |
T PO |
$ |
T PO |
Security clearance fees |
$ |
T PO |
$ |
T PO |
Advertising costs |
$ |
T PO |
$ |
T PO |
HR overtime |
$ |
T PO |
$ |
T PO |
Other |
$ |
T PO |
$ |
T PO |
13.0. Other Benefit(s) or Cost(s)
13.1. In 2006 or 2005, were there any other benefit(s) or cost(s) that we have not asked about? Y N ➡Go To 14.0.
13.1.a. Below, please describe the other cost(s) and include the year in which they were incurred.
Year |
Description |
Costs |
Recovery time |
14.0. Employer Characteristics
Is your organization: (Please select only one.)
Private for-profit organization
Private non-profit organization
Federal government agency
State, county, or local government organization ➡Go To 14.4.
Is your organization a: (Please select only one.)
Sole Proprietorship/Self-Employed
Limited Liability Company
Limited Liability Corporation
Corporation or S-Corporation
Specify: _________________________
14.3. Is your organization: (Please select all that apply.)
Small Business Small Disadvantaged Business
HubZone Woman-Owned
Veteran-Owned Specify: _______________________________
Minority-Owned None of the above
14.4. What year, or approximate year, was this business started or purchased?
Year started: __ __ __ __ or Year purchased: __ __ __ __
In 2006 and 2005, including owners, how many people were employed by this organization? (Please provide an estimate if the exact number is not known.)
Year |
Total full time employees in organization |
Total part-time employees in organization |
Total full time employees at this location |
Total part-time employees at this location |
2006 |
2005 |
14.6. In 2006 and 2005, what were the gross revenues for this organization?
Year |
Less than $300,000 |
$300,001 to $2 million |
$2,000,001 to $6 million |
$6,000,001 to $25 million |
More than $25 million |
Go To |
2006 |
2005 |
2005 |
14.7. |
14.7. From the list below, please place a check mark next to your organization’s primary industry. (Please check only one.)
Category |
Category |
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
Mining |
Management of Companies and Enterprises |
Utilities |
Administrative and Support of Waste Management and Remediation Services |
Construction |
Educational Services |
Manufacturing |
Health Care and Social Assistance |
Wholesale Trade |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
Retail Trade |
Accommodation and Food Services |
Transportation and Warehousing |
Other Services (except Public Administration) |
Information |
Public Administration |
Finance and Insurance |
Government Agency ➡State Federal Local |
Real Estate, Rental, and Leasing |
Other: Please specify _____________________ |
15.1. Please include below any additional comments you would like to share.
16.0. Human Resources Matrix (HRM) – Instructions for completing the HRM
If 10 or fewer Guard/Reserve employees were absent in 2006 and 2005 ➡ Go To HRM by folding this page out and listing all absent Guard/Reserves in 2006 and 2005.
If more than 10 Guard/Reserve employees were absent in 2006 and 2005 ➡ Go To Step A below.
Step A. Create a list of all Guard/Reserve employees absent in 2006 and/or 2005.
Step B. Arrange (or sort) the list in a random order using employee identification number or some other number.
Step C. Taking the total number of Guard/Reserve from the list created in Step B, divide by 10.
Example: Number of Guard/Reserve listed in Step B = 18
For Step C: 18 / 10= 1.8
Step D. If Step C is not a whole number, round up or down using the following rounding rules:
Round up if greater than one half (0.5), e.g., .6, .7, .8, and .9
Round down if one half or less, e.g., .1, .2, .3, .4, and .5
Example: 1.8 would be rounded up to 2
Step E. From the list created in Step B, select the Guard/Reserve employee that is in the position of the final number from Step D (in the example, it would be the employee listed second on the list), and list this employee on the first line of the Human Resources Matrix found on the following page.
Step F. To identify the next employee to include in the matrix, add the number from Step D to the starting point in Step E.
Example: Starting position is 2 and Step D=2, therefore, 2+2=4.
The next employee selected to list in the HRM is the fourth person listed on the list created in Step B.
Repeat this process until you have reached the end of the Step B list.
Note: No more than 10 Guard/Reserve employees will be selected to be included in the HRM. Also, please do not hesitate to call 1-800-601-7434 if you need assistance.
Please fold this page out to view the HRM.
If you would like to receive a brief report of preliminary survey results being offered to all survey participants, please provide your mailing address below: Do not send report
Attn: ______________________________________________ (optional)
Company: ______________________________________________
Street Address: ______________________________________________
City, State, and Zip: ______________________________________________
Please note: Preliminary survey results will be mailed approximately eight weeks after the close of data collection.
return your completed survey using the enclosed self-addressed
Business Reply Envelope, and deposit it with the United States
Postal Service for delivery. Postage is paid by CALLC.
No additional postage is required.
If you need assistance:
Thank you for your time, for your assistance with this important research,
and for your continued support.
Project Number:__________________
Required Agency Disclosure Statement: The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 and 20 minutes per response for Sections One and Two, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to the Department of Defense, Executive Services and Communications Directorate [OMB Control # 0704-0433]. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a current OMB Control Number.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Vacation and Sick Leave |
Author | Skip Camp |
Last Modified By | Skip Camp |
File Modified | 2007-01-26 |
File Created | 2007-01-26 |