Relief from Joint and Several Liability_Fed Reg

Reg_10644698_Fed Reg.pdf

REG-106446-98 (Final) Relief From Joint and Several Liability

Relief from Joint and Several Liability_Fed Reg

OMB: 1545-1719

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Federal Regir;ter/ Vol. 67, No. 165 / Monday, August 26, 20021 Rules and Regulations
Impact Staternen! is necessary for this
proposed rule.

H. Review Under the Unbnded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995

Title I1 of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 2995, Pubiic Law 104-4,
establishes r e q u i r e m e ~ t sfor Federal
agencies to assess the effects of their
regulatory actions on state, local, and
tribal governments and the private
sector. Under section 202 of the Act, the
RIA generally must prepare a written
statement, including a cost-benefit
analpis, for proposed and finalrules
witb "Federal mandates" that may
rssult in expenditures to state, 10~81,
and tribal governments, in the aggregate,
or to the private sector, of $100million
or more in any one year. This rule will
not result in the expenditure by state,
local, and tribal govemmsnts, in the
aggregale, or by the private sector, of
$100 million or more in any one year.
I . Review Under Executive Order 12630
(Tokings Implicolio~~

In accordance with Executive Order
12630, this rule does not heve
significant lahings implications. This
rule does no1 involve the "taking" of
private property interests

1. Review under Executive Order 131 75
[Tribal Consultationl

The B1A dstermined that, bocause the
removal of current regulations has tribal
implicalions, ii was an appropriate lopic
for consultation wiih tribal
governments. This consultation is in
keeping with Executive Order 131 75,
"Consdl~ationand ~oordinaiionwith
Indian Tribal Covcrnmsnls." In ~ p r i l
20o1, BIA sent all tribal leaders a report
rhat documents the results of a BIA
review of exisling regulations, policies,
and procedures that affect delivery of
trust services to trihal governmants and
individual Indians. ~ n c l u d ~indthe
report was a multi-year schedule fur
bringing all trust regulations, ~ o l i c i e s
and procedures up-to-date. In May 2D01,
ihe B[A sent all tribal leaders a Iettm
describing and identifying ten parts of
Title 25 CFR !hat WE were cu~hsidering
for removal- Regional d i r e c l ~ r sfollowed
up to determine if there were tribal
concerns with any aspects of the
Following publication of tho proposed
r ~ lBIA
~ again
notified tribal
governments nf the substance of this
rulemaking ~hrougha direct mailing.
This enabled tribal officials and the
affected tribal constitu~ncythroughout
Indian Country to have meaningful and
timely input in the devetoplnent of the
finat rule.




List of Subjects
25 CFR Part 112

Indians--business and finance.

CFR part


Estates, Indians-business and
finance, Trusts and trustees.
25 CFR Part 121

Indians-claims, Indians-judgment
25 CFR Parl 123
Alaska, Indisn-claims.
25 CFR Pari 125

Indians-claims, Reporting and

The final regulations that are the
subject of this correclion is under
seclion 6015 of the Internal Revenue

Need for Correction
As published, the 6nal regulations
contains an error that my prove to be
misleading and is in need of

Correction of Publication
Accordingly. the publication of the
final regulations (TD90031,that were
the subject ofPR Doc. 02-17866, is
corrected as follows:
On page 47294, column 3, § 1.60155fi][31, line 1 0 , the language "CDP
hearing procedwss under sections" i s
cnnected to read "CDP hearing
procedures under section".

25 CFR Part 178

Cynthia E.Grlgsby,
Chief. Regulations Unit, AasMiate Chief
Counsd. Ilncome Tax #Accounting).
[FR Doc. 02-21693 Filed 8-23-02; 8:45 am1

Alaska, Indians-business and
finance, Reindeer.
Accordingly, under ths authority in
25 U.S.C. 0, 25 CFR chapter 1 is
amended by removing parts 112, 116.

BILUtG W D E 4 8 3 e 0 1 P

and 243.
Daled: August 12, 2002.
Neal A. McCaleb,
A fsfston t Secretary--Indian Afiairs.
IFR Doc. 02-21 692 Filed 8-23-02; 8:45 am]
121, 123, 125, 154,156,178,

BllllPKi CODE 431Wl-P


Coast Guard
33 CFR Part 165
[COTP San Dlego 02-019
RIM 21 15-AA97

Safety Zone; San Oiego Bay, CA


AGENCY: Coast Guard, DOT.
ACTION: Temuorarv final rule.

Internal Revenye Service
. , ; ' it ,



The Coast Guard is
establishing two [ Z ] temporary safety
zones: A stationary safety zone and a
moving safety zone,both on the
navigable waters of North San Diego Bay
RIN 7545-AW64
in support of the Parade of ShipsRelief From Joint and Several Liability; Festival of Sail. These temporary safety
zones are necessary to provide for the
safety of the crews, spsciators,
AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), participants of the event, participaiing
v ~ s s e l sand other vvtrssals and users of
ACTION: Correction to final reeulations.
the waterway. Persons and vessels are
prohibitsd from entering into, transiting
SUMMARY: This document contains a
through, or anchoring within these
correction lo final regulations that were safety zones unless authorized by the
pliblished in the Federal Register on
Captain o f the Port, or his designated
Thursday, July 18,2002167 FR 472781,
relating to relief horn joint and several
DATES: This rule is effective from 1 2 : 3 0
[PDT) to 4:30 [PDT1 on September 12,
DATES: This correction is effective July
18, 2002.
ADDRESSES: Documents indicated in this
preamble as being available in the
C h a r l ~ sA . Hall ( 2 0 2 ) 622-4940 (not a
docket are part of docket [COTP San
toll-free number).

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2006-12-14
File Created2006-12-14

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