0701-0079 Ss Part A

0701-0079 SS PART A.doc

Non-Prior Service and Prior Service Accessions

OMB: 0701-0079

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Supporting Statement for

Paperwork Reduction Act Submission

For AFRS IMT Forms 1319, 1325, and 1419


OMB 0701-0079


The justification for use of AFRS IMT Form 1319, Personal Interview Record; AFRS IMT Form 1325, Financial Status of Applicant, and AFRS IMT Form 1419, Request for Evaluation and Information, for Non-Prior Service and Prior Service information collections follows:

1. Need for the Information Collection

The collection of this information is required to determine initial qualification for enlistment in the Air Force to record processing actions and results until entry on active duty. Governing regulations include Title 10 USC 501, Title 10 USC 504, Title 10 USC 505 and Title 10 USC 520a. Air Force Instruction 36-2002, Regular Air Force and Special Category Accessions, implements these instructions and directives. Air Education and Training Command instruction 36-2002, Recruiting Procedures for the United States Air Force, provides procedures.

2. Use of Information

The Air Force Recruiting Service (AFRS) recruits and processes all applicants for the Non-prior Service (NPS). Prior Service (PS) Enlistment Programs and Officer Training (OTS) program from the civilian community. The following forms are listed separately along with an explanation on their use and how they fit into the total recruiting processing.

2.1. The Personal Interview Record (PIR), AFRS IMT Form 1319. It documents results of an interview, determines tentative qualification and, records all follow-up action. Preliminary information from the interview will determine if the recruiter must forward police checks on law violations disclosed by the applicant end what documents are needed by the applicant to verify citizenship, education, age, previous service, etc. This interview is the initial contact between the recruiter and a prospective applicant. Should any answers to questions disqualify an applicant the recruiter terminates the interview and the PIR is kept on file for two years. Questions duplicated on the PIR (law violations, education) may disqualify someone before other enlistment forms are completed. AFRS, in order ton continue enlisting fully qualified applicants, cannot eliminate duplication of such items on the PIR.

2.2. Financial Status of Applicant, AFRS IMT Form. 1325. This form is completed by all NPS and PS applicants who are at least age 23, have ever been married, or require a dependency waiver. It is also used for all HP applicants (except Financial Assistance Program (F.A.P) and Health Professional Scholarship Program (HPSP) candidates) who will access in grades second lieutenant, first1lieutenant, or captain, who are at least age 23, have ever been married or require a dependency waiver.

2.3. Requests for Evaluation and Information AFRS IMT Form 1419. This form is used only when an applicant admits to a potentially disqualifying law violation and final disposition cannot be confirmed by DD Forms 369, court documents, receipts, or other official documents. Like the AFRS IMT Form 1325, not all applicants need to complete this form.

3. Use of Technology

HQ AFRS formed a case file generation system, which automates some of the required forms for the enlistment process. The AFRS IMT Forms 1319 and 1419 were not considered for automation due to their complexity and minimal use.

4. Non-duplication

The Air Force constantly monitors forms used in its accession programs to avoid duplication of effort and to streamline its procedures. No other Air Force or Department of Defense office collects or maintains this data on NPS or PS applicants. There are no similar information sources currently available.

5. Burden on Small Business

The collection of this information does not impact small businesses.

6. Less Frequent Collections

Field recruiters utilize these forms, to determine an applicant's qualifications for enlistment in the Air Force. If this information were Dot collected, Air Force efforts to screen prospective applicant’s qualifications, and to determine an applicant's future classification and assignments would be severely hampered.

7. Paperwork Reduction Act Guidelines

This collection will be conducted in a manner consistent with the guidelines in 5 CFR 1320.5(d)(2).

This collection cannot be conducted less often than on occasion. It must be accomplished as respondents pursue enlistment.

8. Consultation and Public Comments

The 60-day Federal Register Notice published September 12, 2006 (71 FR 53676). No comments were received.

The AFRS IMT Form 1319 and 1325 are used to collect required information. We have not encountered any problems with the public during completion of these forms. Consultation with persons outside the Air Force is considered appropriate for completion of the AFRS IMT Form 1419.

Consultation is accomplished with civil law enforcement agencies who reply to requests for police checks.

9. Gifts or Payments

No payments or gifts will be made to respondents.

10. Confidentiality

The information collected will be protected in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974. AF Form 883 provides the Privacy Act Statement for the information collected under this requirement.

11. Sensitive Questions

The questions pertaining to criminal offenses and criminal records (AFRS IMT Form 1419) may be considered sensitive. However, they are essential because without this information the applicant's fitness for enlistment cannot be determined.

12. Respondent Burden and Costs

While the burden is for three separate forms, they support the NPS/PS programs. Item 14's figures include all costs for this collection of information.

12.1. AFRS IMT Form 1319, Personal Interview Record (PIR). A PIR is completed on all individuals tentatively qualified for enlistment into the Air Force if the applicant cannot be entered into the AFRlSS system. A three· to-one ratio exists between prospective applicants and actual applicants. Therefore, an accession rate of 34,000 requires completion of 102,000 AETC Forms 1319, but due to AFRlSS this wiIl be done electronically for most applicants. There is still a need to complete the form on some applicants due to school programs and COI's. Completion of this form is estimated at 40 minutes, 40 min. x 102,000=68,000 hrs.

12.2 AFRS IMT Form 1325, Financial Status of Applicants. Completion of this form is estimated at 5 min. 6531 forms x 5 min = 544.25

12.3. Completion of the AETC Form 1419, Request for Evaluation and Information, is estimated 20 minutes, five for the applicant and 15 for the law enforcement agency official. The burden hours are calculated form, the number of total waivers, moral waivers projected against an accession rate of 34,000 (5% of 34,000 = 1700) 20 min x 1700 = 561 hours.

12.4. Estimated value of $5.00 per hour per applicant x 69,105=345,525. The value of time the respondents spend on the form is estimated at $345,525.00 annually.

13. Cost of Respondent Burden

There are no direct out-of-pocket costs to the respondent.

14. Annual Cost to the Government


$22.40 per 1000 – AFRS IMT Form 1419 (1700)=$28.08

$33.03 per 1000 – AFRS IMT Form 1325 (6531)= 214.70

$30.00 per 2000 – AFRS IMT Form 1319 (102,000)=$1530.00

Hourly Wage: $22.75 x 69,105=$1,572,138.70

Total cost is calculated by multiplying the hourly pay of an Air Force Recruiter (E-5 over 4 years with SDAP=$22.75) by the total burden hours of 69,105

15. Reasons for Change of Information

There are no program changes or adjustments

16. Collections of Information

Results of this collection of information will not be published.

17. Expiration Date

Approval is not sought for avoiding display of the expiration date for OMB approval.

18. Certification Statement

There will be no exceptions to the· certification statement identified in Item 19. "Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions," of OMB Form 83-1.


Collections of Information Employing Statistical Methods

The collection of this information does not employ statistical methods.

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleB8/31
Last Modified Bypltoppings
File Modified2007-02-20
File Created2006-10-16

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