Submitted by
Division of Education and Development
Office for Human Research Protections
Rockville, MD
Contact person:
Irene Stith-Coleman
Division of Policy and
Office for Human Research Protections
Wootton Parkway, Ste. 200
Rockville, MD 20852
INSTRUMENT C: Initial Assessment Survey
(Audience: Attendees at OHRP Educational Events where general information about OHRP is provided)
INSTRUMENT C: Initial Assessment Survey
Dear Participant:
The educational event you are attending is funded by the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP), Division of Education and Development. OHRP is engaged in:
establishing criteria for and approving assurances of compliance for the protection of human subjects with institutions engaged in HHS-conducted or -supported human subject research;
developing, monitoring, and exercising compliance oversight of HHS regulations for protection of human subjects
providing clarification and guidance on involving humans in research;
developing and implementing educational programs and resource materials; and
promoting the development of approaches to enhance human subject protections.
Completion of the feedback form is voluntary. All information gathered from the form is anonymous. No individual responses are reported.
OHRP intends to use the information gathered from this form to improve the quality of these events.
Please return the completed form to the place designated by the event staff.
Thank you, your help is appreciated.
INSTRUMENT C: Initial Assessment Survey
Answer questions by checking the box or circle corresponding to the appropriate choice.
A1. Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements about the OHRP education event you just attended. If the event included more than one presenter and/or program, please give the average rating for the entire event.
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Neutral |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
The topics were well-organized.
The depth of topic coverage was excellent.
The breadth of topic coverage was excellent.
In general, the presenter(s) was effective (e.g. knowledgeable, responsive, interesting, and used appropriate instructional techniques)
Overall the program(s) was of high quality.
The training environment (temperature, acoustics, etc.) was comfortable.
The content covered is relevant to my current job.
The difficulty level of the materials was appropriate to my knowledge level.
For the amount of material covered, the session length was appropriate.
Overall, the OHRP educational event was effective.
I would recommend this educational event to colleagues with roles similar to mine in human research protections. |
A2. What was your main reason for attending this OHRP educational event? (Mark only one)
I wanted to learn straight from OHRP
I wanted to obtain CMEs/CEUs
My attendance was required by my institution
I wanted to gain knowledge and develop my skills
Other, specify: _______________________________________________
A3. What type of OHRP educational activities have you attended or utilized in the past twelve months (aside from the current training)? (Mark all that apply)
I have not participated in any other OHRP educational event in the past twelve months
OHRP national conference (comprehensive two-day program)
OHRP Regional Community Forum (one-day program)
Presentation (OHRP staff participate in conferences, workshops and seminars sponsored by institutions, professional associations, private industry, patient advocacy groups and the federal government)
Staff training workshop (OHRP staff train institution staff in human research protections)
Quality assurance and quality improvement activity (OHRP staff conduct consultations with a host institution to improve the quality of human research protections program)
Website (the OHRP website provides numerous resources regarding human research protections)
On-line tutorial (an online module describing written assurances of human subject protections for Institutional Officials, IRB Administrator and IRB Chairs)
Other, specify: ________________________________________________________
B1. Were the following topics covered at the Educational Event and if they were, was your understanding of the topic improved as a result of the event?
Topic Covered at Educational Event |
If the topic was covered, please indicate the extent to which the OHRP educational event improved your understanding of the topic. |
Improved Greatly |
Improved Somewhat |
Did Not Improve |
Don’t Know |
History and ethical foundations of human subject protections
HHS regulations overview (45 CFR 46)
Definition of human subjects research
Determining exempt research
Engagement in human subjects research
Composition of IRB (membership)
IRB review: Initial review
IRB review: Continuing review
IRB review: Expedited review
IRB Policies and Procedures/Minutes/Records
Informed consent
Waivers of Informed Consent
Documentation of Informed Consent
Requirements for Emergency Research
Identifying Conflicts of Interest
Reporting unanticipated problems/adverse events
Federal Wide Assurance
IRB issues involving coded private information |
IRB issues involving biological specimens, storage/repositories
IRB issues involving data and data storage
Pregnant women and fetuses in research |
Prisoners in research
Children in research
Other vulnerable populations
Privacy/Confidentiality issues
International research involving human subjects
OHRP Quality Improvement Activities
OHRP Activities Update
Other (specify): _______________________________
Other (specify): ________________________________
B2. Think about the topics you just rated and please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements:
Participating in this OHRP educational event …
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Neutral |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
… increased my awareness of issues surrounding human research protections.
…increased my interest in the subject matter.
… helped me to consider how I/my institution can improve human research protections. |
B3. What was the single best section of the OHRP educational event?
B4. What was the greatest weakness with the OHRP educational event?
B5. What changes to the OHRP educational event would you recommend for future similar events? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
B6. Would you recommend this OHRP educational event to others?
No, please explain:
C1. What is your sex/gender?
Male Female
C2. What is your ethnicity? (Mark all that apply):
American Indian or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Asian White
Black or African American Other (Specify)_____________________
Hispanic or Latino
C3. How old are you? ____
C4. What is your highest educational degree?
High school
Associate’s degree
Some college
Bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree
Other doctoral degree (Ph.D, Psy.D., Sc.D., etc.)
Other, specify: __________________________________________________
C5. What type of institution(s) do you work for? (Mark all that apply)
Academic medical center
Private practice
Research institute
Other, specify: _________________________________________________________
C6. What type of human research is conducted in your institution? (Mark all that apply)
Other, specify: ________________________________________________________
C7. For how many years have you been involved with human research?
Less than 1
1-4 years
5-9 years
10-14 years
15-20 years
20+ years
C8. How would you rate your depth of knowledge of human research protections?
Very limited
Elementary knowledge of regulations/principles
Advanced knowledge in some areas of regulations/principles
Advanced knowledge in most areas of regulations/principles
C9. Which of the following describes your current professional position(s)? (Mark all that apply)
Principal investigator
Research staff
IRB member, staff, administrator or chair
Institutional official
Compliance officer
Legal counsel
Clinical staff (nursing, other)
Public health official
Patient advocate
Other, specify: ________________________________________________________
C10. What is your primary role in human research protections at your institution? (Please select only one primary role)
Institutional official (Assurance Signatory Official)
Sponsor agency program official
Institutional Review Board staff
Institutional Review Board administrator/manager
Institutional Review Board chair
Institutional Review Board member
If you are an IRB Board member, which of the following do you represent on the board: (Mark only one)
Scientific member
Nonscientific member
Non-affiliated member
Don’t know
Principal investigator or co-investigator
Research coordinator/data collection staff
No active Role
Other, specify: __________________________________________________
INSTRUMENT C Mod: Initial Assessment Survey
(Audience: Attendees at OHRP Educational Events where education on a specific topic area related to OHRP activities is provided. Slight modification of Instrument C – 6.requests for ratings on general topics are excluded)
Dear Participant:
The educational event you are attending is funded by the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP), Division of Education and Development. OHRP is engaged in:
establishing criteria for and approving assurances of compliance for the protection of human subjects with institutions engaged in HHS-conducted or -supported human subject research;
providing clarification and guidance on involving humans in research;
developing and implementing educational programs and resource materials; and
promoting the development of approaches to enhance human subject protections.
Completion of the feedback form is voluntary. All information gathered from the form is anonymous. No individual responses are reported.
OHRP intends to use the information gathered from this form to improve the quality of these events.
Please return the completed form to the place designated by the event staff.
Thank you, your help is appreciated.
INSTRUMENT C_MOD Initial Assessment Survey
Answer questions by checking the box or circle corresponding to the appropriate choice.
A1. Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements about the OHRP education event you just attended. If the event included more than one presenter and/or program, please give the average rating for the entire event.
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Neutral |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
The topics were well-organized.
The depth of topic coverage was excellent.
The breadth of topic coverage was excellent.
In general, the presenter(s) was effective (e.g. knowledgeable, responsive, interesting, and used appropriate instructional techniques)
Overall the program(s) was of high quality.
The training environment (temperature, acoustics, etc.) was comfortable.
The content covered is relevant to my current job.
The difficulty level of the materials was appropriate to my knowledge level.
For the amount of material covered, the session length was appropriate.
Overall, the OHRP educational event was effective.
I would recommend this educational event to colleagues with roles similar to mine in human research protections. |
A2. What was your main reason for attending this OHRP educational event? (Mark only one)
I wanted to learn straight from OHRP
My attendance was required by my institution
I wanted to gain knowledge and develop my skills
Other, specify: _______________________________________________
A3. What type of OHRP educational activities have you attended or utilized in the past twelve months (aside from the current training)? (Mark all that apply)
I have not participated in any other OHRP educational event in the past twelve months
OHRP national conference (comprehensive two-day program)
OHRP Regional Community Forum (one-day program)
Presentation (OHRP staff participate in conferences, workshops and seminars sponsored by institutions, professional associations, private industry, patient advocacy groups and the federal government)
Staff training workshop (OHRP staff train institution staff in human research protections)
Quality assurance and quality improvement activity (OHRP staff conduct consultations with a host institution to improve the quality of human research protections program)
Website (the OHRP website provides numerous resources regarding human research protections)
On-line tutorial (an online module describing written assurances of human subject protections for Institutional Officials, IRB Administrator and IRB Chairs)
Other, specify: ________________________________________________________
B1. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements:
Participating in this OHRP educational event …
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Neutral |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
… increased my awareness of issues surrounding human research protections.
…increased my interest in the subject matter.
… helped me to consider how I/my institution can improve human research protections. |
B2. What was the single best section of the OHRP educational event?
B3. What was the greatest weakness with the OHRP educational event?
B4. What changes to the OHRP educational event would you recommend for future similar events? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
B5. Would you recommend this OHRP educational event to others?
No, please explain:
C1. What is your sex/gender?
Male Female
C2. What is your ethnicity? (Mark all that apply):
American Indian or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Asian White
Black or African American Other (Specify)_____________________
Hispanic or Latino
C3. How old are you? ____
C4. What is your highest educational degree?
High school
Associate’s degree
Some college
Bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree
Other doctoral degree (Ph.D, Psy.D., Sc.D., etc.)
Other, specify: __________________________________________________
C5. What type of institution(s) do you work for? (Mark all that apply)
Academic medical center
Private practice
Research institute
Other, specify: _________________________________________________________
C6. What type of human research is conducted in your institution? (Mark all that apply)
Other, specify: ________________________________________________________
C7. For how many years have you been involved with human research?
Less than 1
1-4 years
5-9 years
10-14 years
15-20 years
20+ years
C8. How would you rate your depth of knowledge of human research protections?
Very limited
Elementary knowledge of regulations/principles
Advanced knowledge in some areas of regulations/principles
Advanced knowledge in most areas of regulations/principles
C9. Which of the following describes your current professional position(s)? (Mark all that apply)
Principal investigator
Research staff
IRB member, staff, administrator or chair
Institutional official
Compliance officer
Legal counsel
Clinical staff (nursing, other)
Public health official
Patient advocate
Other, specify: ________________________________________________________
C10. What is your primary role in human research protections at your institution? (Please select only one primary role)
Institutional official (Assurance Signatory Official)
Sponsor agency program official
Institutional Review Board staff
Institutional Review Board administrator/manager
Institutional Review Board chair
Institutional Review Board member
If you are an IRB Board member, which of the following do you represent on the board: (Mark only one)
Scientific member
Nonscientific member
Non-affiliated member
Don’t know
Principal investigator or co-investigator
Research coordinator/data collection staff
No active Role
Other, specify: __________________________________________________
INSTRUMENT D: Follow-up Assessment Survey
(Audience: Attendees at OHRP Educational Events where general information about OHRP was provided)
Dear Participant:
You attended an Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) educational event approximately three to six months ago, and feedback on the event content was requested at that time. Now that some time has passed, we would again appreciate your feedback on this educational event. We are particularly interested in whether you have been able to apply the knowledge gained from that course to your daily routine practices related to human research protections.
OHRP intends to use the information gathered from this effort to improve the quality of their educational events.
Please provide your feedback by completing the form at the following web site: http://_____________. You may access the site either by pressing ctrl+ enter or by copying the web address and placing it in your browser. Completion of the form will take approximately six minutes and is voluntary. All information gathered from the form is anonymous. No individual responses are reported.
Thank you, your help is appreciated.
INSTRUMENT D: Follow-up Assessment Survey
Answer questions by checking the box or circle corresponding to the appropriate choice.
Location of the OHRP educational event
Host institution: _____________________________
Title: _____________________________________
City: ______________________________________
State: ______________________________________
Date of the OHRP educational event
__ __/ __ __ / __ __
(Filled out in advance)
A1. Did you complete OHRP’s Initial Assessment Survey at the time of the event? (Mark only one)
Don’t know
B1. Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements:
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Neutral |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
The OHRP educational event was relevant to my current job.
Overall, the OHRP educational event was effective.
Participating in the OHRP educational event improved my ability to carry out human research protections. |
C1. The following is a list of human research protection practices; did you make any changes in the below practices as a result of the OHRP educational event?
Changes Made |
No Change Made |
Not Applicable |
Don’t Know |
Application of Threshold Regulatory Definitions (i.e., “research” “human subjects” “engagement”)
Processing and Determining Exempt Research
Process, Content, and Documentation of IRB Review
Informed Consent Process
Reporting Unanticipated Problems and Noncompliance
Determining status and procedures related to research involving biological specimens and data
Application of Subpart B
Application of Subpart C
Application of Subpart D
Institutional Policies and Procedures for Human Subject Protections
Other (specify): _______________________________
D1. Which of the following factors have enabled or constrained your ability to make changes in your practices related to human research protections following the OHRP educational event?
ENABLED CHANGE (mark all that apply) |
CONSTRAINED CHANGE (mark all that apply) |
The attitudes of your institution’s human research protections leadership.
The amount of funding available for your institution’s human research protections program.
The knowledge gained at the OHRP educational event.
The degree of support from peers in your institution.
The level of staffing available for your institution’s human research protections program.
The amount of time available to make changes.
Other, Specify:__________ _________________________
D2. Please list any additional comments regarding factors that have enabled or constrained your ability to make changes in your practices related to human research protections:
D3. What do you remember best about the OHRP Educational event?
E1. What is your sex/gender?
Male Female
E2. What is your ethnicity? (Mark all that apply):
American Indian or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Asian White
Black or African American Other (Specify)_____________________
Hispanic or Latino
E3. How old are you? ____
E4. What is your highest educational degree?
High school
Associate’s degree
Some college
Bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree
Other doctoral degree (Ph.D, Psy.D., Sc.D., etc.)
Other, specify: __________________________________________________
E5. What type of institution(s) do you work for?
Academic medical center
Private practice
Research institute
Other, specify: _________________________________________________________
E6. What type of human research is conducted in your institution? (Mark all that apply)
Other, specify: ________________________________________________________
E7. For how many years have you been involved with human research?
Less than 1
1-4 years
5-9 years
10-14 years
15-20 years
20+ years
E8. How would you rate your depth of knowledge of human research protections?
Very limited
Elementary knowledge of regulations/principles
Advanced knowledge in some areas of regulations/ principles
Advanced knowledge in most areas of regulations/ principles
E9. Which of the following describes your current professional position(s)? (Mark all that apply)
Principal investigator
Research staff
IRB member, staff, administrator or chair
Institutional official
Compliance officer
Legal counsel
Clinical staff (nursing, other)
Public health official
Patient advocate
Other, specify: ________________________________________________________
E10. What is your primary role in human research protections at your institution? (Please select only one primary role)
Institutional official (Assurance Signatory Official)
Sponsor agency program official
Institutional Review Board staff
Institutional Review Board administrator/manager
Institutional Review Board chair
Institutional Review Board member
If you are an IRB Board member, which of the following do you represent on the board: (Mark only one)
Scientific member
Nonscientific member
Non-affiliated member
Don’t know
Principal investigator or co-investigator
Research coordinator/data collection staff
No active Role
Other, specify: __________________________________________________
INSTRUMENT D_Mod: Follow-up Assessment Survey
(Audience: Attendees at OHRP Educational Events where education on a specific topic area related to OHRP activities was provided.)
INSTRUMENT D: Follow-up Assessment Survey
Dear Participant:
You attended an Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) educational event approximately three to six months ago, and feedback on the event content was requested at that time. Now that some time has passed, we would again appreciate your feedback on this educational event. We are particularly interested in whether you have been able to apply the knowledge gained from that course to your daily routine practices related to human research protections.
OHRP intends to use the information gathered from this effort to improve the quality of their educational events.
Please provide your feedback by completing the form at the following web site: http://_____________. You may access the site either by pressing ctrl+ enter or by copying the web address and placing it in your browser. Completion of the form will take approximately six minutes and is voluntary. All information gathered from the form is anonymous. No individual responses are reported.
Thank you, your help is appreciated.
INSTRUMENT D: Follow-up Assessment Survey
Answer questions by checking the box or circle corresponding to the appropriate choice.
Location of the OHRP educational event
Host institution: _____________________________
Title: _____________________________________
City: ______________________________________
State: ______________________________________
Date of the OHRP educational event
__ __/ __ __ / __ __
(Filled out in advance)
A1. Did you complete OHRP’s Initial Assessment Survey at the time of the event? (Mark only one)
Don’t know
B1. Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements:
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Neutral |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
The OHRP educational event was relevant to my current job.
Overall, the OHRP educational event was effective.
Participating in the OHRP educational event improved my ability to carry out human research protections. |
C1. The following is a list of human research protection practices; did you make any changes in the below practices as a result of the OHRP educational event?
Changes Made |
No Change Made |
Not Applicable |
Don’t Know |
Institutional Policies and Procedures for Human Subject Protections
IRB Administration
IRB Membership
IRB Minutes and Records
Other (specify): _______________________________
D1. Which of the following factors have enabled or constrained your ability to make changes in your practices related to human research protections following the OHRP educational event?
ENABLED CHANGE (mark all that apply) |
CONSTRAINED CHANGE (mark all that apply) |
The attitudes of your institution’s human research protections leadership.
The amount of funding available for your institution’s human research protections program.
The knowledge gained at the OHRP educational event.
The degree of support from peers in your institution.
The level of staffing available for your institution’s human research protections program.
The amount of time available to make changes.
Other, Specify:__________ _________________________
D2. Please list any additional comments regarding factors that have enabled or constrained your ability to make changes in your practices related to human research protections:
D3. What do you remember best about the OHRP Educational event?
E1. What is your sex/gender?
Male Female
E2. What is your ethnicity? (Mark all that apply):
American Indian or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Asian White
Black or African American Other (Specify)_____________________
Hispanic or Latino
E3. How old are you? ____
E4. What is your highest educational degree?
High school
Associate’s degree
Some college
Bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree
Other doctoral degree (Ph.D, Psy.D., Sc.D., etc.)
Other, specify: __________________________________________________
E5. What type of institution(s) do you work for?
Academic medical center
Private practice
Research institute
Other, specify: _________________________________________________________
E6. What type of human research is conducted in your institution? (Mark all that apply)
Other, specify: ________________________________________________________
E7. For how many years have you been involved with human research?
Less than 1
1-4 years
5-9 years
10-14 years
15-20 years
20+ years
E8. How would you rate your depth of knowledge of human research protections?
Very limited
Elementary knowledge of regulations/principles
Advanced knowledge in some areas of regulations/ principles
Advanced knowledge in most areas of regulations/ principles
E9. Which of the following describes your current professional position(s)? (Mark all that apply)
Principal investigator
Research staff
IRB member, staff, administrator or chair
Institutional official
Compliance officer
Legal counsel
Clinical staff (nursing, other)
Public health official
Patient advocate
Other, specify: ________________________________________________________
E10. What is your primary role in human research protections at your institution? (Please select only one primary role)
Institutional official (Assurance Signatory Official)
Sponsor agency program official
Institutional Review Board staff
Institutional Review Board administrator/manager
Institutional Review Board chair
Institutional Review Board member
If you are an IRB Board member, which of the following do you represent on the board: (Mark only one)
Scientific member
Nonscientific member
Non-affiliated member
Don’t know
Principal investigator or co-investigator
Research coordinator/data collection staff
No active Role
Other, specify: __________________________________________________
INSTRUMENT E: Survey of Institution Representatives
(Audience: Individuals who are directly involved in human research protection activities)
Dear Respondent:
The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) is engaged in:
establishing criteria for and approving assurances of compliance for the protection of human subjects with institutions engaged in HHS-conducted or -supported human subject research;
developing, monitoring, and exercising compliance oversight of HHS regulations for protection of human subjects;
providing clarification and guidance on involving humans in research;
developing and implementing educational programs and resource materials; and
promoting the development of approaches to enhance human subject protections.
Completion of the feedback form is voluntary. All information gathered from the form is anonymous. No individual responses are reported.
OHRP intends to use the information gathered from this form to identify outstanding training needs and to assess the quality of current training activities at the institutional level.
Please return the completed form in the enclosed, self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Thank you, your help is appreciated.
Answer questions by checking the box or circle corresponding to the appropriate choice.
A1. In fulfilling your human research protections responsibilities, have you used the following education resources? If so, how useful were they?
Did you use this resource? |
If yes, how useful was it? |
Yes |
No |
Not Available |
Very Useful |
Somewhat Useful |
Not Useful |
Other individuals in my institution
Training developed by my institution
Handbooks, guidelines, and/or standard operating procedures developed by my institution
Model consent form(s) or consent form checklist developed by my institution
Protocol content checklist developed by my institution
Human research protection guidelines for investigators developed by my institution
Other written material developed by my institution (specify): ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
Other internal resources (specify): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
OHRP IRB Guidebook
OHRP Telephone Consultation |
OHRP e-mail box |
“Investigator 101” CD Rom |
Other printed material (specify): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Code of Federal Regulations (online)
OHRP website
FDA website
IRB Forum (discussion group)
NIH Training Course
Other Web resources (specify): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
A2. Please mark all the following activities that apply to you.
I have…
Led a session at a national or regional meeting/workshop on human research protections (e.g., one sponsored by ARENA, PRIM&R, or SAR).
Attended a national or regional meeting/workshop on human research protections.
Served on a national or regional committee related to human research protections.
Authored a paper or published article on human research protections.
Submitted a poster session on human research protections.
Developed training materials and/or SOPs on human subjects protections
None of the above.
B1. OHRP conducts educational activities related to human research protection. Which of the following, if any, OHRP educational activities did you attend or use during the past twelve months? (Mark all that apply)
OHRP Educational Activity |
Did you attend or use this event/activity? |
If yes, how useful was it? |
Yes |
No |
N/A |
Very Useful |
Somewhat Useful |
Not Useful |
OHRP national conference (comprehensive two-day program)
OHRP Regional Community Forum (one-day program)
Presentation (OHRP staff participate in conferences, workshops and seminars sponsored by institutions, professional associations, private industry, patient advocacy groups and the federal government)
Staff training workshop (OHRP staff train institution staff in human research protections)
Quality assurance and quality improvement activity (OHRP staff conduct consultations with a host institution to improve the quality of human research protections program)
Website (the OHRP website provides numerous resources regarding human research protections)
On-line tutorial (an online module describing written assurances of human subject protections for Institutional Officials, IRB Administrator and IRB Chairs)
Other (specify): ___________________________________ ___________________________________ |
B2. Other than in the past 12 months, have you ever participated in OHRP educational activities?
Yes No
For questions C1-C3, please share your personal opinions based on your experiences with human research protections.
C1. In your opinion, which audiences at your institution are most in need of human research protections education? (Mark all that apply)
Institutional official
Department chair
Principal investigator or co-investigator
Clinical research associates
Data safety and monitoring committee members
Institutional Review Board administrator
Institutional Review Board chair
Institutional Review Board members
Institutional Review Board staff
Research coordinator/data collection staff
Other members of the research team
Other, specify: _________________________________________________
None – all have adequate training
C2. From your viewpoint, what are the most effective modes for receiving human research protection education? (Mark up to three)
Seminar, workshop
Case studies
Panel discussions
Web-based training
Multi-media (CDs, DVDs, Videotapes)
Other, specify:_________________________________________________________
C3. Which of the following factors have enabled or constrained your participation in OHRP educational activities?
ENABLED PARTICIPATION (mark all that apply) |
The attitudes of your institution’s human research protections leadership.
The amount of funding available for your institution’s human research protections program.
The level of staffing available for your institution’s human research protections program.
The amount of time available to make changes.
Other, Specify:__________ _________________________
C4. The following are general topics OHRP might include in training. Please rate how important it is to you to receive training on the following topics.
Training Topic |
Importance of Topic |
High |
Med |
Low |
Don’t Know |
History and ethical foundations of human subject protections
HHS regulations overview (45 CFR 46)
Definition of human subjects research
Determining exempt research
Engagement in human subjects research
Composition of IRB (membership)
IRB review: Initial review
IRB review: Continuing review
IRB review: Expedited review
IRB Policies and Procedures/Minutes/Records
Informed consent
Waivers of Informed Consent
Documentation of Informed Consent
Requirements for Emergency Research
Identifying Conflicts of Interest
Reporting unanticipated problems/adverse events
Federal Wide Assurance
IRB issues involving coded private information |
IRB issues involving biological specimens, storage/repositories
IRB issues involving data and data storage
Pregnant women and fetuses in research
Prisoners in research
Children in research
Other vulnerable populations
Privacy/Confidentiality issues
International research involving human subjects
OHRP Quality Improvement Activities
OHRP Activities Update
Other (specify): _______________________________________________
Other (specify): _______________________________________________
D1. What is your sex/gender?
Male Female
D2. What is your ethnicity? (Mark all that apply):
American Indian or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Asian White
Black or African American Other (Specify)_____________________
Hispanic or Latino
D3. How old are you? (in years) _____
D4. What is your highest educational degree?
High school
Associate’s degree
Some college
Bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree
Other doctoral degree (Ph.D, Psy.D., Sc.D., etc.)
Other, specify: __________________________________________________
D5. What type of institution do you work for?
Academic medical center
Private practice
Research institute
Other, specify: _________________________________________________________
D6. What type of human research is conducted in your institution? (Mark all that apply)
Other, specify: _________________________________________________________
D7. For how many years have you been involved with human research?
Less than 1
1-4 years
5-9 years
10-14 years
15-20 years
20+ years
D8. How would you rate your depth of knowledge of human research protections?
Very limited
Elementary knowledge of regulations/principles
Advanced knowledge in some areas of regulations/ principles
Advanced knowledge in most areas of regulations/ principles
D9. Which of the following best describes your current professional position? (Mark all that apply)
Principal investigator
Research staff
IRB member, staff, administrator or chair
Institutional official
Compliance officer
Legal counsel
Clinical staff (nursing, other)
Public health official
Patient advocate
Other, specify: ________________________________________________________
D10. What is your primary role in human research protections at your institution? (Please select only one primary role)
Institutional official (Assurance Signatory Official)
Institutional Review Board administrator/manager (Please answer D11 below)
Institutional Review Board chair (Please answer D12 below)
Institutional Review Board member (Please answer D13 below)
If you are an IRB Board member, which of the following do you represent on the board (Mark only one):
Scientific member
Nonscientific member
Non-affiliated member
Don’t know
Principal investigator or co-investigator (Please answer D14 below)
Research coordinator/data collection staff (Please answer D14 below)
Other, specify: __________________________________________________
Please answer the following questions that pertain to your primary role only. For example, if your primary role is IRB chair, you only need to answer question D12.
D11. If your primary role is Institutional Review Board administrator/manager, please answer the following questions:
a) What is the total number of IRBs you administer? _____
b) We would like you to think back over the most recently completed year. This might be a calendar year, the academic year, or a state- or institutionally-specified fiscal year. If your institution is not annualized, please use calendar year 2004.
In the most recently completed record year, how many protocols were submitted to your IRB for initial review and, if applicable, for determination or confirmation of exempt status?
Number of protocols submitted _____
c) Is this number an actual number or an estimate ? (Please check one)
D12. If your primary role is Institutional Review Board chair, please answer the following questions:
a) We would like you to think back over the most recently completed year. This might be a calendar year, the academic year, or a state- or institutionally-specified fiscal year. If your institution is not annualized, please use calendar year 2004.
In the most recently completed record year, how many protocols were submitted to your IRB for initial review, continuing review, and, if applicable, for determination or confirmation of exempt status?
Number of protocols submitted _____
b) Is this number an actual number or an estimate ? (Please check one)
D13. If your primary role is Institutional Review Board member, please answer the following question:
a) In total, how many years have you served on this or any other IRB? (Please include IRB service at other institutions)
Number of years _____
D14. If your primary role is principal investigator, co-investigator, research coordinator or data collection staff, please answer the following questions:
a) In the past three years, how many research projects with human subjects have you worked on?
Number of projects _____
c) Is this number an actual number or an estimate ? (Please check one)
Introductory Letters and Emails
INSTRUMENT C & C_Mod: Initial Assessment Survey
Dear Participant:
The educational event you are attending is funded by the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP), Division of Education and Development. OHRP is engaged in:
establishing criteria for and approving assurances of compliance for the protection of human subjects with institutions engaged in HHS-conducted or -supported human subject research;
developing, monitoring, and exercising compliance oversight of HHS regulations for protection of human subjects;
providing clarification and guidance on involving humans in research;
developing and implementing educational programs and resource materials; and
promoting the development of approaches to enhance human subject protections.
Completion of the feedback form is voluntary. All information gathered from the form is anonymous. No individual responses are reported.
OHRP intends to use the information gathered from this form to improve the quality of these events.
Please return the completed form to the place designated by the event staff.
Thank you, your help is appreciated.
INSTRUMENT D and D_Mod: Follow-up Assessment Survey
Dear Participant:
You attended an Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) educational event approximately three to six months ago, and feedback on the event content was requested at that time. Now that some time has passed, we would again appreciate your feedback on this educational event. We are particularly interested in whether you have been able to apply the knowledge gained from that course to your daily routine practices related to human research protections.
OHRP intends to use the information gathered from this effort to improve the quality of their educational events.
Please provide your feedback by completing the form at the following web site: http://_____________. You may access the site either by pressing ctrl+ enter or by copying the web address and placing it in your browser. Completion of the form will take approximately six minutes and is voluntary. All information gathered from the form is anonymous. No individual responses are reported.
Thank you, your help is appreciated.
INSTRUMENT E: Survey of Institution Representatives
Dear Respondent:
The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) is engaged in:
establishing criteria for and approving assurances of compliance for the protection of human subjects with institutions engaged in HHS-conducted or -supported human subject research;
developing, monitoring, and exercising compliance oversight of HHS regulations for protection of human subjects;
providing clarification and guidance on involving humans in research;
developing and implementing educational programs and resource materials; and
promoting the development of approaches to enhance human subject protections.
Completion of the feedback form is voluntary. All information gathered from the form is anonymous. No individual responses are reported.
OHRP intends to use the information gathered from this form to identify outstanding training needs and to assess the quality of current training activities at the institutional level.
Please return the completed form in the enclosed, self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Thank you, your help is appreciated.
Confidentiality Pledge
As a member of the JBA evaluation team, I recognize the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of data collected and of assuring the right of privacy of persons cooperating in this evaluation activity. To establish safeguards for all involved, I agree to abide by the following principles of conduct:
All information that is collected by me (or other project team members) from participants is confidential. All participants must be informed that their responses to interviews and survey questions will be kept confidential and are for statistical purposes only. All data (and all copies) are property of the project and are not to be shared with anyone. I will not permit any unauthorized person, including members of my own family, to see any completed documents or forms. I will only discuss information obtained about a respondent with authorized project staff.
I agree to treat as confidential and proprietary to the evaluation any and all instruments, materials, and documentation provided or accessed during the course of my service on this evaluation activity. I agree not to copy or duplicate any materials without written permission from the Principal Investigator. I agree to safeguard all study materials and to exercise extreme care to protect them from access by unauthorized persons.
I agree to conduct myself at all times in a manner that will obtain the respect and confidence of all participants and other persons with whom I may come into contact in connection with this project. I agree to report any breach of confidentiality to my supervisor immediately.
I understand that all data collected for this study are the property of OHRP and will not be used for any purpose without prior written permission
By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the assurances that will be provided to participants. I understand that I am prohibited by both the law and this agreement from disclosing any confidential information which has been obtained by this study to anyone other than an authorized member of JBA or OHRP. I understand that any willful and knowing disclosure in violation of the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a) is a misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine of up to $5,000. I agree to abide by the terms of the assurances of confidentiality set forth here.
Signature: _____________________
File Type | application/msword |
Author | istithco |
Last Modified By | DHHS |
File Modified | 2006-09-22 |
File Created | 2006-09-22 |